Event reward list!

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by llR_-I-_Pll_Delta_llR_-I-_Pll, Dec 23, 2014.

  1. 200% from the sack. o.o
  2. :cool:
  3. No banner drops? Wonder if the devs are holding them back for awhile to keep people buying xD
  4. Ohhh geeez im hoping on winning the gift of a 0,46 % plunder increase that Will last 8,4 minuts !!

    You bet your lunchmoney that i Will spend atleast 1000£ on that mouthwatering carrot

    Ohhh wait ..... Eat 
  5. 10% plunder bonus ;-;
  6. Your grammar inspires me to do great things in life.

  7. Like follow humanity and jump off a cliff? Just me? :lol:
  8. And you inspire me to .....
    Nothing att ALL

    But then again who finds inspiration in a game  ??

  9. This game has inspired me to become a magician that uses water and fire to screw with people.

    I. Am. The. Next. Dumbledore.
  10. I wonder who will be the first one to win a banner? But in other words I got 10 beards
  11. In other words? Don't you mean in other news or related news? :roll:
  12. Im sorry. Is there a sign seeing please be an asswipe or is it just natural? :roll:
  13. Me and alts: 10 beards, 10 pudding, 10% x2, 25%, 100%, 200%, 5 aqua
  14. 25% bonus. Alt got building token. Other alt got 100%.
  15. Not worth the $10, I payed for the sack and devs pegged me in the ass and gave me a 10% plunder ******** bonus