Kiss Me Sweetly - Ideas

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by optimal, Dec 22, 2014.

  1. Seals, horns, maybe a few prizes I can't name
  2. Don't overstate your worth. There is a reason you don't want to be in my hit range. You don't know how to fight people who can handle. Right now you are equivalent to a statless alt. go fight someone who doesn't know what they are doing and then brag about it, ok sweat heart.. Until then stay away from the big boys because you are not on our level
  3. If you cannot keep on topic, please leave. I don't have time for this
  4. So is everyone saying keep it how it was or try something new?
  5. Support for #2
  6. Do it same as last year
  7. I like idea one!
  8. Enjoined it last year. Think you should stick with the same rules ad it was.
  9. Bump for more exposure. This is a very fun player sponsored pvp event. Give it your support
  10. For the same as last year...
  11. Support
  12. Yo can I have some kissy faces on my wall so people know I'm into RP and with you?
  13. *waits for kissy faces and jesters 23rd retirement thread
  14. Support for idea one but in the end it should be 2v2 instead 1v1 because love isn't just with one xD or is it....
  15. Haha 2v2 could work and there would be two winners. For idea one, I would provide some really nice prizes for the winner(s).

    For idea 2, there wouldn't be any prizes just the thought of knowing you farmed someone.
  16. Winner gets to make jesters next retirement thread.

    Count me in.