kaw calender

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by TAN_DATA_GRA, Dec 23, 2014.

  1. Hi Kaw-community can you please give us an idea of what future holds for kaw? Just like last year. I mean what time frame we should expect season 5, when is new lands or upgrades coming etc etc??
  2. . Why just soo they can get our hopes up and not come through again? Okk
  3. They came through. Just not how we expected.
  4. I'd want to see a calendar..at least 1/4ly be nice
  5. Quarterly updates... Plus, kaw should become publicly traded, and have a board of directors that would have to answer to us, the share holders..

    Wouldn't that be awesome?
  6. Not sure if this is meant to be a joke but... How do you consider yourself a shareholder? If you shop at Walmart does it give you the right to vote on their decisions?

    If I missed the joke please forgive me
  7. Or just an update on what they're currently working on for us
  8. I am assuming you are speaking of something like a KaW roadmap? They have given a map before it could be a possibility the devs would give out another...
  9. I see some incoming in your future.

  10. Yea. Sure would be nice to have some idea of what they are working on for us. Aside from B2B HTE promos :p
  11. More and more $$$ Event coming up i guess. Meanwhile should be the end for 2014 and usher in 2015. Dev pocket would be empty after boxing day. 
  12. Yes whatever you call it, road map Or calender