kaw commercial

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by -TheDragonRider-, Dec 23, 2014.

  1. I know I've said this before but I've seen a ton of app commercials. With kaw being as awesome as it is, I think kaw should have a commercial not just any commercial, the best commercial of any app. Not much to this idea obviously it's devs staff that has to work out the details. Only thing I want is if a commercial is made my account gets a 2 second spot on tv , for thinking up this awesome idea that will make you guys more . All the best happy holidays devs.

  2. Can I be the sexy person on the horse?

    I can beat Kate Upton out any day.
  3. Maybe we can get Angelina Jolie as the girl on the horse lol.
  4. It would be nice... but no support.

    It's clear that KaW is a dying game, we all know it is. There's no point wasting cash for a tv ad imo. It's already built it's own grave with these semi-permanent promos and the "pay-to-win" EBs.

    Oh, and why should they include you? Lel.
    It's not exactly a new, original idea - so many people have considered this before; there must be a reason why KaW has never put together the funding/effort for a TV ad.
  5. Dying game? their are clans completely dedicated to giving ata money daily, idk if you were around in the old days but only the Lb spent money, and ATA did perfectly fine, the fan base is great and money is being spent more than i have ever seen. You know in the old days people who spend money on nob were made fun of, but now its accepted.
  6. I was referencing to the number of active players.
    I'll use the forum volume as an example. On PC it shows the maximum number of concurrent players online in the forums ever, which if I remember rightly, is about 2500 (sorry I'm not on PC)? I remember the figure would often hang around 500 on a daily basis. Nowadays, I never see it rise above 200 or so. I don't know if I'm viewing it at the wrong times or not, but I am sure that the numbers in forums have significantly decreased within the past year or so.
  7. Look at the events, top 1000 is hard to get into without spending money. If anything the forums are dying which i dont mind.
  8. I understand where you're coming from. Although profits have likely increased for ata, I'm sure we're past the "golden era" of KaW, in terms of the active playerbase and general activity - the latter, although no determining the funding injected into KaW, is significant because it's basically the heart and soul of the game.
  9. Can I be the horse?
  10. Kaw doesn't need commercials... If they did, they would have them...

    Useless thread is useless so I'll leave this to make it awesome

    You're welcome
  11. They should have two babes with this nerdy/scrawny kid with a pimple filled face (he just hit puberty), then they tend to his needs because he has seals.

    The offer him various services because he's he can supply the seals with his weekly allowance. Once he fails to get seals they farm him and he cries to his mom.

    Then it ends
  12. Advertising would mean they were trying to gain and retain new players.. Has anything they have done suggested they are interested in this sort of thing? They don't give a **** about new players
  13. If it means an extra $5 they would
  14. I'll fight you for that position troll.
  15. You miss my point.. They have been asked to fix the tutorial and have not. They have been given very simple fixes to the ally market for new accounts but have done nothing. They don't give a rats ass about new players.

    Think about what new players have to deal with when they join. They have to watch an outdated tutorial that makes no damn sense to them. They can't buy any allies at all. They are thrust into an environment where everyone is so far ahead that it's discouraging, but yet they have to spend money just to get out of a hole they are in because of the ally market.. Why on earth would any new player want to play this game
  16. Couldn't agree more.
    I recently made an alt and found a nice B2B ROTWB clan. Too bad I couldn't make any cash off it.. since it's IMPOSSIBLE to find a single ally under 1 bil. You have to search for so long... And when you finally find one, you realise it's undergoing a volley, so you can't keep it.
    It's literally impossible for a new player to attain max plunder within a week. That is, unless they stumble across a TFO/NML/Origins/Haunt item phase.
  17. The devs do need to work on the tutorials and basic updates soon, been saying this for awhile, but i dont think we are dying yet or anytime soon. I think with the money they make the devs do really need to work on advertisement. Maybe not a commercial but they need to get some new players coming in soon
  18. They dont need a commercial with tigol bitties like kate uptons but they def need some kind of web presence and ads to recruit. Much more affordable and would bring in new blood.
  19. This app isent dying and there's more then 2,500. There's 10k people just on 1 leaderboard.
  20. If 1,000,000 people are on here and I'm not sure if it's that many yet but lets say 1,000,000 people on here each spend 5 dollars in 1 day. Do the math, and this app has been out for 5 or 6 years I think. There's plenty of money.