bh xtreme and apoc

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by xTrEmE_Fun_If_You_Buy, Dec 22, 2014.

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  1. Im sorry xtreme. You guys stripped me of 30b and i was butthurt. Lol.

  2. Dude now you're just being pathetic.

  3. I doubt Xtreme would admit to being a Jets fan.
  4. Its ok op, just post on my wall with your main and we can get you the recognition and praise you deserve:)
  5. You wouldnt happen to be the noob we just got done stripping would ya? <3
  6. Yeah I feel like he is a Pats fan.
  7. This guy

    You could do better this is weak
  8. Your threads, they are magical. Keep up the good work, Mr. Frodo....

  9. I read this and way is this guy a no-stat alt. NO WAY!!!!
  10. There we go! Much better than the last!
  11. Geno smith is a house nigger
  12. :lol:

  14. It's true though 
  15. I will go a different route with this. Sooo you are only posting with a Stalt because your main is forum banned? That implies had it not been forum banned you would have used it right? Well then I will forgive the use of the Stalt.....IF you just post your "mains" name here on this thread
  16. Since your main is perm forum banned, can you just give us the name of your main? That way you don't look like such an idiot posting?
  17. Brilliant. Now you have alll the credibility in the world. Except Omar isnt forum banned.
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