User Interface (UI)

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Resilient_CAScr_KilI_Destroy, Dec 21, 2014.

  1. Stealing my idea :(
  2. How is that? Just because someone thought some thing the same as you, it doesn't mean they stole your idea. I thought of it, as well as many other players, as soon as it happened as well.
  3. Oh this is that dude that wants to be a mod.. Stealing an idea from another wannabe mod won't help you become a mod
  4. Yes because that NEVER happens when you want to spy... Crap I just hired the idiot
  5. Thanks for your feed back everyone.
  6. That looks ugly af the way it is now is fine ***i have not updated the app yet bcuz of that ugly new wall button***
  7. Uhm yeah the wall button would be the one I'm talking about..
  8. Mod Cleavage
  9. So I updated it few days ago and I keep following people while trying to ATTACK I don't like it. My opinion
  10. Who you attacking bruh