I thought there would be more faggots like u faze. And i thought saying that would maybe make u peps stfu for once guess theres just no way of stopping u trolls
Maybe any one person can only be xstaled by others 10 times a day. LB would still get benefit But still. Their gonna be on LB anyway and devs would get more money. So who gives a
Wait an hour for them to regen before you can hit them again? No you just sit on them and keep them 0'd to stop them from playing the game
The comments i gave u wolfie were from my brother. He unloads troops for me sometimes and goes to forums. Although, he was completely right to say that Say no more, thanks for telling it's a crap idea not worth reading you just saved me wasting my life reading You said there u wouldnt waste ur time on something thats not worthwhile. U r playing a **** game thats gives you no benefit (is wasting your life) man, i dont think reading this thread is gonna waste ur life any more than u already are. So ur kinda retarded. And i nvr said i didnt like wasting my life on ****. So dont call me a hypocrite and recheck ur IQ smartass
Genocide, LB spend money to get more powerful. If you can get more powerful from seals cheaper than you can from hitting pvp then it stands to reason that it won't be abused by mains and alts. The biggest argument against I believe would be the ability of a to use the game mechs as protection against other players or also as a tactic to hit from pin.
Lol. Just came back to see this account share ****. Its an ios device. Which i allow my brother to use wen im working
The idea is intriguing... Forcing people out of fun would be great fun, I'll admit. However, there are countless arguments both for and against. Personally I think that this should be implemented. Lots of fun forcing people out of pin :lol: