Tension in NYC

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by W32xWrongHoleHever, Dec 21, 2014.

  1. Lol if the government "flexed" or showed their power by killing people that wouldn't help the situation..It'll only lead to war between government and citizens..And open the gates for another "terrorist attack"
  2. War between gov and citizens would put the scum in their place - a hole in the ground.
  3. and this is what happens when almost everyone can buy a gun.
  4. You say that as if it is a bad thing.
  5. We don't want that and That's what were trying to avoid.

    The government needs to do no such thing.

    The reason for the protests was because there is a current idea right now that cops are above the Law. Cops are people too and should be subject to the same laws we are. The Eric Garner case had every reason to go to trial. THIS DOES NOT JUSTIFY THE MURDER OF COPS. The protest were to simply make aware that there is civil discomfort with the current inequality in Law applicability between civilians and officers. That should not exist. This is not a "us vs. Them" scenario in either direction and should not be turned into such. Everyone agrees bad cops do exist. It's natural. They are people too. We just want them to be treated like everyone else and not be blindly protected from any wrong just because they have a badge which is their unions current stance. So please stop your unnecessary ideas of an impending civil war. It's inadequate and unnecessary.
  6. when you compare the number of people killed with firearms in the US and other countries...yes its a bad thing.
  7. They use other types of weapons though most of the time
  8. If the guns were all taken away, the gun death wouldn't go down. When you say guns to be handed in, only the law abiding citizens will hand in their guns. Not the Michael Brown esque thugs. They will keep theirs, effectively rendering the populace protectionless against assault, robbery, murder, etc, from those that decided to keep their guns.

    You could go from door to door, TAKING guns, but that would just be Martial Law, and those who viciously wanted to keep their firearm, would defend it, creating more gun violence.

    The bad guys will always get guns. They come to america by the crate load now, from Mexico, partly do to the FAST AND FURIOUS operation.
    Then the good people have nothing to keep looters like the nuts in ferguson from Ramsacking their houses, and murdering them, after doing who knows what.
  9. Cops are not above the law, they ARE THE LAW.

    We should be publicly killing anyone opposed to them. Without them the world would be a hellhole.
  10. Some of the people on this thread are really stupid. It's a mix of people who don't think cops are ever wrong, and people who think all cops are trigger happy.
  12. Now the police get to play the victim. What a crazy mixed up world we live in. The circle of life.

    We need Judge Dredd and Sharia Law ASAP.
  13. Maybe the NYPD and many police agencies will change how there cops act. For instance, I was at a gas station in LA during the brawl the cops came they pulled out there guns and aimed at the two men ordering them to get to the grown.

    The two men were fist fighting and unarmed yet the cops rolled up with weapons drawn. The LAPD recently is testing new tech, when a cop drawls his weapon back up comes.
  14. Here is what some people are protesting against.

    I use my own personal experience with over zealous law enforcement. Not everyone is "anti-police. Is anyone anti-police really? Anyway.

    Here what the police do around where I grow up.

    They pull you over on a country road. They pull you out of the car and pat you down. While patting you down the grab your crotch. If you jump they say you are trying to run.

    If you don't jump they want you to drop you pants and spread your cheeks. If you refuse threaten to lock you up.

    When you don't give in they make the people you are with leave. So you are stranded on a dark country road.

    Then they call you a nigger. When you ask why the called you a nigger. They say "I said ditch digger".

    If I didn't happen I wouldn't have a story to tell.

    Oh yeah the girl i was with used turned on the wrong signal. I told her to go right after used the left signal. She didn't change it in time I guess. Around 11 at night on the way home from a movie in a nieghboring town.

    She is a elementary school teacher.
  15. It is a bad thing. There are extremists everywhere, and when you give an extremist the power to kill at will, you will see people dying. When people die, emotions take control over reason. This causes mass hysteria which leads to unnecessarily violent protests.

    Search up "McCarthyism"

    USA is a republic. If you want change, just vote for more transparency and freedom and place limits on what big businesses can advertise for. For example you shouldn't advertise junk food to children.
  16. Holy crap wow
  17. Haven't those officers been reported?
  18. My family is retired military. State troopers and police. Vets. My brother is still serving. I got cousins at the barracks right up the road now. My uncles are in the club house at the other end of the road.

    I didn't need to report. But not everyone has that in their corner.

    Cowards. Hiding behind badges. They take that badge off they can't handle a fair one. Aight. Peace.
  19. The US was a Republic. Right now we're on the fast track to becoming an Oligarchy how most democracies and republics historically have when not properly regulated.

    Also advertising junk food is one of the smallest problems in this country. Are you serious? You think the problem in America is big business advertising?