Ok This is probably the worst idea ever but I thought of it a few seconds ago and im not gonna bother myself to think up all the problems with it! So I'll just get someone else too ; ) Right, so we have all had the moment where your hitting some noob and the error comes up when they are " TO WEAK TO BATTLE"" and your like **** now i have to wait another hour to hit this ****. This is where it comes, the Enemy Xstal. All you have to do is go on in to the local marketplace and buy yourself your own Enemy Xstal, which( no ****) can be used to regen your noobs troops so you can basically **** is kingdom of all his gold! this would be seriously annoying for tons of annoying noobs (like myself) but i think it would add some fun and efficiency when someone is messing with your clan or just gets on your nerves. I think this would also help in the new pvp events as i myself missed out on a tier or two from the amount of people keeping themselves pinned. Obviously this could be used by big spenders to empty out kingdoms or even clans easily. so i guess there could just be a small limit to how many purchased a day and they could be highly expensive. maybe 3-5 times as much as your normal xstal. anyway as i said point out the ways im seeing this wrong or support i guess ; )
Say no more, thanks for telling it's a crap idea not worth reading you just saved me wasting my life reading it, thank you.
Are you not playing the same game. And wow. First person in thread and you insult them, because they agree with you. Not the best start. Allow me to illuminate you as to the main issue with this. Strip an opponent and attack them they go dtw at 20 percent troops Now add your enemy xtal and players can keep a person up the whole strip clearing them out in far less time with zero chance of defence. So sorry yes this is the worst idea ever
Would be nice to have a way to bring someone out of pin. i dont think theres any fair way to do it though.
The concept is actually intriguing. I like the idea of it. Of course arguments will fly on both sides but still, how cool would it be to force your opponent out of pin
I sense LBers would buy that for their mains from alts. Find a way to negate this and I'll support 100%
Considering they would have to double xstal to use two accounts and the proposed "enemy xstal" would cost more than a normal one, it would be far cheaper to buy seals and use your xstals on HTE to make more than on opponent. So I don't see how that would actually matter.
Look at the win LB lol, some people cant spend ENOUGH money on this game. Business owners, CEOs, people riding the gravy train from daddy's oil money, iron barons... People of all walks of life play this game. they paid to get on LB, most would pay more to get an extra edge up. Thats why lol.
Limit it to any single person can only have this done to them once in 24 hours. i do like this idea tho.
Ignoring the abuse aspect for now and stick with the strip aspect. How many lb would pay the amounts they do now. When someone can pay to strip them and make their effort over the years worthless. The recent pvp event caused 3 lb players to quit after "losing" 4 years of work on the game. The issue of abuse. Everyone with money to dispose of would use alts to keep their mains up. Or if that could be excluded. Player one agrees to xtal player 2 - 20 times and player 2 does the same to player one this giving 20 extra hte regens a day on top of their usual limit. No support at any level.
I can pretty much say the same about you, hypocrites are hypocritical. I have to admit, I only just read the idea now and I can say it's unique in it's own way. Reason I stated that is because it's not a good way to start a thread, or anything for that matter.
It probably couldnt be applied to kaw as is, but it is a fun idea. like a spell that you would cast on the person thats been hitting from pin. next time the try to attack from pin it could give them a 60% regen.