KotFE illuminati

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by cls, Dec 13, 2014.

  1. Thanks and MERRY CHRISTMAS to illuminati.. I appreciate you letting me leech your hte, and share my ****** lady Santa fantasy. JOY TO THE WORLD! ALL THE BOYS AND GIRLS.
  2. Support! 

    Happy to make ****** Mrs clause dreams come true.
  3. You guys are the best! Thank you for all you do for the game of KaW!
  4. awesome Christmas special! Thank you.
  5. A very Merry Christmas to my friends at Kotfe! Let's keep the thread at the top of active topics
  6. support to KotFE illuminatI may your blades never grow dull and u always have victory on the battle field
  7. Support for Family!!! HUGU

  8. Merry Christmas and happy holidays my apoc family 
  9. Great clan and great people
  10. Nice thread support to family
  11. Support a very concise yet fantastic thread. I do wholeheartedly recommend you to join my brothers and sisters at Illuminati! 
  12. Thanks for all the support guys and girls 
  13. ️❄️Bump❄️️
  14. Support for a crazy group of people.
  15. merry Xmas all ..... Have a plunderfull Holidays .... And if you haven't visited illuminati then you are missing out....
  16. ILLUMINANTI confirmed
  17. Just a quick thank you to everyone here at KotFE lluminati !!!! Been here a week and this is one hell of a clan & clannies once again cheers!!!!:)