Tension in NYC

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by W32xWrongHoleHever, Dec 21, 2014.

  1. Alright, my bad  there are plenty of people like that, who assume all shooting are from "corrupt officers"
  2. People are taking these things way too far, just because some officers are rotten doesn't mean you need to start riots, loot, and kill innocent people.
  3. Yeah because this wouldn't provoke anyone to riot.

  4. My condolences to the families of the two police officers.

    Anybody else see the petition for Mayor De Blasio to resign from office (which started today already has 29750 signatures. Went up 400 in the past 5min.
  5. I believe the Missouri thing made people think they could get away with rioting...
  6. Burning buildings and looting is a felony. The national guard should have been shooting
    looters in Missouri.

    When Al Sharpton held a "peaceful protest" in NYC, the crowd was chanting "What do we want? Dead police. When do we want it? Now!"

    The incident today was after the assassin posted on instagram :They Take 1 Of Ours … Let’s Take 2 of Theirs".

    Its time to start restoring law and order, starting with the death penalty.
  7. That is why Michael Brown got shot.

    Eric Garner didn't deserve what he got. He shouldn't have been selling the cigarettes, but very few people deserve to die. Not even Brown. But Brown gt what was coming when he charged a police officer, thus displaying harmful intent.
    Garner was anoter story altogether. There should have been a trial. He shouldn't have died. They shouldn't have used the choke hold.
    But they did.

    And now people are using this Psycho Killer as a sort of Martyr, yelling "Can you breathe now, Cop?" Sound like justice to you. I certainly hope not.
  8. Some people take things too far for any sane person, but that's not justice its a twisted version of a vigilante
  9. A vigilante can get in more trouble than one would think because whatever he or she does if it's against the law, even if it's for a good cause, they will get in trouble for the crime
  10. First prayers to the families of the police officers. Next is the part that's ironic. The thing that most are "protesting" is the same thing they want to stop. Profiling.
    Cops treat a person a certain way not only by the color of their skin but also the way they look. Sorry but "minorities" treat cops a certain way because of the uniform they wear. Not all cops are bad just like not all " minorities" are bad.
  11. Maad1 I agree with that statement
  12. Because of this, people will stereotype the cause. People will use this incident as a reason to hate the cause he was trying to represent. I don't agree with his actions, but I hope you guys don't see this as an act that represents the whole movement. Just like when a white person hung a black kid in the USA, it doesn't represent the whole white community. Let's recognise that this is a tragedy the people in the USA are dealing with, treat it with respect, make sure it doesn't happen again, and do not point fingers at causes because of an incident.
  13. Majority of the police force abuse there power and be dicks...and I call it osama is back run for your lives....

  14. The stupidity is big in this one
  15. I heart Cry's for the two NYC cops killed on duty last night if no one has heard about it they were gunned down while sitting in their parked cop car
  16. 50p says he was black.

    It's the 1% of black people who give the 99% a bad name and enfire the racism, by playing the race card.

    I imagine this has something to do with the furgosen stuff.

    The police have the authority to shoot people, and should kill all the rioting scumbags who make a nuisance for the other citizens.
    The government needs to showcase its power. Nuke part of America and people will be in fear again. This is the only way to keep people in line. A terror state.

    As for the guy, just gun down all his friends and family. This will show the people that the government isn't a cripple.

    But Obama won't do this, why? Because he's the "equality" president. The "step forward" president. In reality he's a snivelling wreck, doing nothing for the country.

    8 years to kill one terrorist?

    I take my hat off to you
  17. If ppl had something to fear things would be so different marshal law ever heard of it that would change so much if they just flex a little bit I'm not saying gun down everyone but a select few would change some minds