Forum Trivia!

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Resilient_xM3rcy, Dec 20, 2014.

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  1. It makes the first 100 end at 99 so it is important to know where the start is
  2. All questions will be posted as a comment and edited into the OP of this thread.
  3. I dont understand the first question... Is it 1 2 3 etc or
    Zero one two (with letters as numbers)

    I know its answered but still xD
  4. Question 2! Can you name the object below and tell me it's constituents?

  5. Vietnamese?
  7. It's a lemon. Constituents of Flavonid, Phenolic acid, triterpenic acids, and methyl carbonate
  8. Its a mango which is a fruit
  9. It's a grapefruit. It's made of various elements, molecules, and compounds.
  10. Aomikan or green tangerine
  11. Ugly fruit/Ugli form of citrus fruit and created by hybridising of a grapefruit and orange
  12. Ugli fruit
    The ugli or ugli fruit is a Jamaican form of tangelo, a citrus fruit created by hybridizing a grapefruit, an orangeā€¦
  13. I have no idea
  14. Rangpur lime

    Rangpur is a city in Bangladesh
  15. It's made of juice and skin that u can peel off
  16. It's made of juice and skin that u can peel
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