Really simple find what mod silenced both my accounts and I will go n drop 5 seals at your clan. Since they hide in shadows let's bring them out
I didn't see your first post, but based on your alt's reaction, indecent conduct. You alt looked like it was silenced for complaining about a silence.
Main got perm silenced for saying I use a condom, not sure why that's a silence, then my alt got silenced for saying free timdafreak along with hAlf of wc yet only I got silenced
Complaining about a silence is a silenceable offence. But Tim is smart enough not to give them a reason to silence the first time. So the alt would fall under no harm no foul. If he hadnt been silenced then the alt wouldn't have defended his main.
Indecent conduct and complaining about a silence were the reasons for the first and second silences then. If you fdeel they were unfair, email Complaining about a silence on here will get this thread locked
Sounds like someone is trying to monopolize the midget market. Afterall a silent Tim cant autograph his vertically challenged groupies. #freetimdafreak #givethemidgetwarlordhisvoicebacksohecanserenadhisminions
Saber I know your just defending your fellow mods but I hardly think saying I use a condom is indecent. And posting free tim is not complaining about my silence I was just saying free tim along with about 20 other people in wc.
Read Daphnia's silencing guidelines. Free ___ is considered complaining about a silence. You can email support or serve out the silence. There are no other options.
Technically this forum thread could result in a forum ban and may be a silenceable offense Tim. Sucks your alts got silenced, but in my experience Devs don't look into first offenses - just sayin, Shady