Though not perfect, AJ has shown to be a much more accurate and impartial source for international media than FOX or CNN. What would you prefer as a source?
I don't prefer any one source over another. I like to refer to multiple sources such as The Guardian and The New York Times OR I check Google News and go through pages 1-6. I do keep in mind the incredibly bad discrepancies, corporate biases, and political biases that CNN and FOX NEWS have shown. For the lulz, I would say the New York Post or the Onion (I think that the New York Post is arguably more satire than sensational) As for checking multiple sources on Google News, there is a link to a bot (a web app) provided on Reddit for summarizing news articles. I say this because I occasionally read the Reddit World News sub.
Comedy is comedy get over it. Usually the people crying stuff is racist are the racist people. I could care less of nationality color ect. Time to find the download for this movie. Support that sony has no balls. Also to say releasing movie could cause terrorist acts is bull. They will find any reason to att if they want to. Dont need a comedy movie to have a reason.
They were going to release the film anyway but pretty much every major theater chain dropped it. If there are no theaters to show the movie it is pointless to release it.
Everyone thinks differently. It may be comedy to you but an insult to another, and that insult could be the cause of many innocent people. Is it worth it? Watching a 2 hour movie which may not even be funny in exchange for the lives of however many innocent people.
Terrorist threats are just that- acts of terror; very harmful, very serious. Have you seen the jihadist brutality in the Middle East? Any company busily trying to keep its revenues up would be certainly cowed by any indication of terrorist threats to its interests. There's plenty of ISIS propaganda being spread in the news- news about mass executions, news about US interests in the Middle East, news about territory expansions. Although ISIS is not simply a terrorist group anymore; in fact, it has become an organized, sophisticated state playing for power as a Islamic caliphate in the Middle East. The executions are mere propaganda to the US to keep out of its affairs. Still, US interests are far too small in the area anyways- the US makes far more off its own oil production than it does controlling oil in the Middle East now that it has withdrawn militarily from the region. There's so much supply of oil in the market now because of the US' increasing presence in the market. OPEC feels threatened, so OPEC has spiked its oil production to lower the US' profits from oil. Have you seen the cost of gas? It's $1.90 down at Battlefield. Anyways, I've gone off too far on that tangent in regards to the implications of terrorism. I would now like to explain the implications of North Korea's foreign relations. North Korea, although volatile, has no desire to be crushed- It knows that it is far outmatched by the US and its allies. Its demonstrations of hostility have been nothing more than playing for propaganda. However, North Korea is also seeking to improve its ties with Russia and China. Russia is upping its military presence worldwide in response to US embargoes and NATO's presence near Ukraine. Russia has nuclear weapons. Imagine if a nuclear weapon were to be sold on the black market to North Korea. Also, it's considerably easy to come into contact with nuclear weapons on the black market. VICE has done a documentary on that. Russia also has massive interest in Syria. World War 3 could break out if the US were to intervene anymore in Syria and come into hostile contact with Russian troops on the ground. Syria also has a state-funded cyber terrorism program. Certainly, the threat level is serious to some degree. This world has become a world of hackers and computer security. State-funded hackers are causing massive financial damage to US companies. China, North Korea, China, and several countries in the Middle East including Syria (the Syrian Electronic Army) have repeatedly demonstrated that. As for terrorists infiltrating US borders, the cartels down in South America wouldn't let any terrorists take their smuggling routes into the US- it'd pose too much of a danger to their monetary interests. The US would crack down on the cartels much harder and it'd threaten the cartels' incomes. Russia is about to buckle because its money is inflating massively. Also, Russian nuclear bombers have repeatedly been intercepted off the West Coast- who knows if there were North Korean terrorists on board parachuting down into the Pacific and swimming to the mainland US? That's just something fed by my imagination though.
Alright Sony is a company based in Japan. But remember initially it was the theaters that didn't wanna show it. So cmon America.
Honestly, I'm really disappointed in America right now. Who is North Korea to tell us what we can and cannot show? Their threats aren't real, we've proven that time and time again. They want to act tough, why do we let them? Now that this has happened, we've given them what they wanted. If they try to start war with America, or if they try to commit any terrorist attacks, they'll get crushed, alliances or not. Guts up America. You have a right to do as you please.
dysanic that jingoistic attitude doesn't help Americas international reputation. As for the hacking "Federal investigators on Friday accused North Korea of carrying out a computer attack against Sony Pictures Entertainment, blaming the Stalinist government for an intrusion that exposed corporate e-mails, wiped out computer data and underlined the cyber capabilities of one of the United States’ top adversaries." That's from Washington post article just released. Oh and as for why you treat North Korea a little wary . It's a nuclear armed country ruled by a family dynasty that seems a tad detached from the real world with a population that has been fed years of effective propaganda, oh that sits very near the two biggest regional allies of the USA in that part of the world. I suspect Japan isn't keen to have nuke number three on its soil.
Well no point quoting something that cannot be read. Especially when some of it is incorrect. Anyway. Nk is a nuclear power already. They don't need a black market nuke. And would they commit terrorist actions because of a comedy film depicting the assassination of their leader. Remember his uncle and relatives. This is a man that murders anyone who disagrees with him whilst living in luxury while his people starve to death. Murderous North Korean nutjob Kim Jong Un ordered the executions of the entire family of the uncle he earlier had killed, including women, kids and the country’s ambassadors to Cuba and Malaysia, according to a new report. Jang Song Thaek, the once-powerful uncle, was executed last month on charges of attempting to overthrow the communist regime through a military-backed coup. All direct relatives of Jang have now also been executed, sources told Korea’s Yonhap News Agency. “Extensive executions have been carried out for relatives of Jang Song Thaek,” one source said. “All relatives of Jang have been put to death, including even children.” The dead include Jang’s sister Jang Kye Sun, her husband and Ambassador to Cuba Jon Yong Jin, and Ambassador to Malaysia Jang Yong Chol, a nephew of Jang, along with his two sons, the sources said. All were recalled to Pyongyang in early December and executed, they said. The sons, daughters and even grandchildren of Jang’s two brothers were also killed, the agency said. “Some relatives were shot to death by pistol in front of other people if they resisted while being dragged out of their apartment homes,” another source said. Some relatives by marriage, including the wife of the ambassador to Malaysia, have been spared from executions and exiled to remote villages, according to the sources. “The executions of Jang’s relatives mean that no traces of him should be left,” a source said. “The purge of the Jang Song Thaek people is under way on an extensive scale from relatives and low-level officials.”
Guys get your information before you start bashing Sony. (Though I am an Xbox guy) The main reason why they took away the movie is because of the three major theatre chains deciding to not show it. Though this would be the perfect time for Digital Movie Downloads should come into play, because before the movie companies were afraid of angering the theatre companies, but now that they're thrown under the bus, they may as well release it for digital download then DVD/Bluray later.
Agree or disagree with me, but I am an American citizen who believes in America. We were founded on the principles on being free from what others tell us, that we can say and do as we please. It's a shame how far this has taken America from its original values. If North Korea wants to threaten our citizens, they can tell it to our armed forces. Alliances or not, NK knows that if they try to start something with America, we will finish it.