New Players Owning Clans Issue

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Truthii, Dec 18, 2014.

  1. You guys are saying 250b. holy **** no, that's WAY to much, 75-100b, take it or leave it.
  2. No support horrid ideas
  3. 500 nobs he says
    Better idea remove being able to purchase it with nobs instead
    8 SEALS = 472 nobs
  4. Make new clans cost 1b. Then there'll be an influx of clans and by the law of competition, the best clans (the fastest beginner clans) will emerge and dominate the rest.

  5. You can't find allies at 1b though so no
  6. Zaft and Apoc are so irrelevant to beginner clans.
  7. Learn how to spell, then complain; idiot.
  8. Noob pls
  9. You seem to have quite a large vocabulary, full of abbreviations, which genuinely shows your lack of grammar.
  10. Well then, would you love for me to demonstrate my language capacity in English? Unfortunately, I am not so low as to chase my own ego up into oblivion whereas you seem to poorly understand my intentions in posting the extremely short statement that I did. If you would like, then I could refer you to the definition of sarcasm.

    I would like to politely ask you to not judge my previous statement, "noob pls" by itself. Also, please read my previous replies to OP and think before you post.