Support Most noobs/news make clans by 100 nobility although this will drop money I think 100 nobs per clan should be taken away
I agree with you haj. But again tweeking your thoughts. 250-300b with a 6 month time limit. By 6 months if the player has been active they should have a lot of the "Noob-ish" questions etc. answered. Definitely at least LLBC, but probably best with half of HL. I forget who said it, but I like the idea of having an option for merging clans. Support to a better tutorial as well. Maybe even a bonus or achievement for noob players as far as PMs go as well to encourage them to seek out help. Maybe something to encourage CC communication. Could run a noob promo as well say accounts less than X number of months old can participate. Run it quarterly, and make that "Noob Promo" truly free and yet competitive. If anything, you'll be training them for when they get bigger to participate in the bigger ones where it's almost impossible to get > top 100 if you don't spend $. I don't want to over complicate this idea, but I think better efforts could be employed to cultivate new players. KaW is a pretty good game in my opinion as it stands, but more could be done for the noobs.
Sorry owner no support. The devs already get lots of my hard earned cash. Why should I have to overpay for a clan just cause we're scared of Noobs owning them. Also, who are we to decide a NoOb can't own a clan? Also the fact is that most big players, myself included, could give a crap about teaching Noobs, so it is unrealistic to say some big player is gonna help some Noobs do warbeasts for the sake of the game.
Like your effort, but you are going about it the wrong way. It's not so much about stopping noobs to run a clan blindly hoping for the best, it's about teaching noobs about the game itself. A new and improved tutorial is needed indefinitely, but also, oh I don't know, a guide that new players can easily access in game would be great for those that are scratching their head. I know there are tons of guides for new players in the forum, but honestly, how many of them are actually going to go searching for one, let alone use the forum. I am talking about a guide that is exclusive to new players that goes away when the "new" spell runs out. This guide would simply cover the basics and have a few links to helpful pages on forums about the game. Also, (I personally have never started a clan, so I don't know if there is already a tutorial on running a clan) perhaps adding a tutorial and guide about how to effectively run clans and what to do in general would help new players significantly on what priorities should be focused on. I also think that by adding a side note when on the page to purchase a clan would be effective, or forcing the player to watch the tutorial (Players that do not have the new spell active will not be forced to watch the tutorial). This side note would caution people that "making a clan is a big responsibility and requires a lot of activity from you". We should be teaching the new players the dos' and don'ts of the game, not just effectively banning them from making a clan. Sorry for the book I wrote, but I have seen similar posts like this floating around and wanted to input my opinion. Ninja -
I agree with most of ideas, but would say also it would b intresting Minimum cs for certain numbers too. Eg 5 10mil cs. 2 5mil cs. 3 1mil cs. So that clan can run ebs whenever clan is opend. And clan will not required to recruit for unlocking first 2 tier ebs. % unlock too will give advantage for new players. Also for llbc they should b at max plunder by default. I.e till 25 lands they are at max plunder. Once they have hl or t4 building on ll. They would need to hire allies. I know many will disgree with my ideas, specially persons with many alts. But its just an idea, Hope devs wil like it. Happy kaw. Come on devs make me valiant knight, Joke.
Thank you all for sharing your ideas and your point of view on this subject. My point is not to stop new players to be able to make clans but to have them make it at the proper time. I have owned a clan between the transition of normal haunt and hte and it changed a lot since then. The price 25B for a clan is the price we used to pay before hte thats y i say its so underpriced, any1 can buy 1seal have all pot and open a clan, im just trying to get ideas out. Having clan purchase unlocked as same time as hf or when LL could also be a option. As I see a lot of you think that 500b is a lot and you are probably right, I probably don't realise the effort it takes to get 500b for a small player, perhaps 100b -250b would be more convenient for a clan price. ty all for participating on this thread plz share your ideas!
From personal experience a year is a LONG time. I've been playing for over 5 years and it seems like longer. I think an entire year is a bit too long
Support for the most part... However it isn't just noobs opening clans that are doomed to fail it's a general lack of knowledge of the game itself IMO
Great thread op, however I disagree with the idea that a "new" player cannot successfully run a clan. I myself was fortunate enough to have someone buy a clan for me when I was somewhere around 800k cs. That clan built up, spawned two subs, and eventually we were doing TGL teir ebs before my retirement(that didnt last, now did it). It can be done, but the clan owner has to be willing to put in the time and effort required to get it done. Newness has little to do with someone's dedication to a purpose. Now if we could just have a "de-moron" button that would be useful here AND in RL Happy KaWing everyone
Land requirements and raised prices cant stop a noob from buying a clan...Three letters can prove my point H.T.E. can be hllc and have 100 in 3 days easy. The loyalty achievement is flawed. If someone played for 1 day then quit but decided to try again 6 months later he would have the 90 day achievement. You cant stop it or control it, just have to let it run its course. The cream always rises to the top so the clans cant be blamed for people quitting after a short time. Gotta think for a second kaw isnt for everyone. No support
Just let the noobs do what they want! Jeez never thought id actually read about this "issue". Let them play how they wanna play.
Exactly.. there are bigger issues for new players.. Start an alt if you dont believe me. And thats for an experienced player. The biggest issue is that non tutorial but after playing you will see more flaws in it and wonder how the hell you ever made it with such little direction
I think it could make matters worse Why? 1.New players will get bored more easily because they can't make a clan of their own 2. Most new players can't even afford the clan with 25b However, this could be a good idea because it stops the creation of multiple clans by one user. Some new players don't need to make a clan at their size, they need to learn the game beforehand. ATA have increased the price from 10b to 25b in the last 2 years and are likely to increase it again very soon. The positives outweigh the negatives so I say support.
I support this all except the idea of having to play for a year before being able to create or own a clan.
Another problem is if you have a newer alt then you cant pass it owner if you hop out for indi, visit, etc.