I've been farming some account for almost two days subsequently, and he's refused to hit back whatsoever, telling me that I was pretty much ruining his game experience. That statement made me think... We all know this is a war game, and we're meant to hit each other, but ever since EBs were brought to the game, lots of people now have different ways of playing; players who decide to hit EBs rarely involve themselves in 1v1 with farmers. Now I wonder, before all these features were invented, what did these people do when getting farmed hard, day and night? Would they quit? Go inactive for a couple days? Every player here was obligated to fight back or go home. Why am I ruining your game experience for doing what was originally meant to do when the game started? It makes me feel bad sometimes because I truly feel that I'm ruining someone's experience, but this is what I enjoy doing. Give me your insight.
Of course you're going to feel bad, look at your size. These players are barely beginning to enjoy the game and you just ruined their whole kawreer because you want to act tough.
Interesting thread. Generally those who refuse to participate in the PVP side of things are those who dislike having to track and all the other work that goes with setting up a strip if you needed or wanted to. A rule of thumb I use is if they whine over 5 hits they're not the fun type of farm, unless your jars of Noob tears aren't full.
i don't see a problem with it, as long as it is a reasonably fair fight. if a player can't handle a fair fight, then they shouldn't have downloaded a war game. if the player is too small to fight back, or if you use multiple accounts against a single player, then i am of the opinion that you have lost perspective and/or are pathetic. war "game". *note this opinion only applies to fights that you start without cause. i don't really care if you hit a smaller account that gave you a reason or if you use multiple accounts on them. they shouldn't have started **** they couldn't handle.
Before EBs, you were bound to fight from the beginning of your journey in this game, it was the ONLY way to grow. I don't wanna act tough mate, it's just how I enjoy the game, period.
That last paragraph sums up exactly how i feel! But when you think about, arnt they ruining our game experience by not fighting back? :lol:
Honestly, why would you farm someone who doesn't fight back? I rather fight someone who puts up some competition. Also, for "ruining my gaming experience", I believe your target feels it is ruined, because out of all the players in the game, you decide to hit him for two days straight; without attacking any one else. I know how the game was originally intended for fighting each other's kingdoms, but since the introduction of epic battles, play styles have changed. Oh well...I would drop target and find someone fun to fight!
As a matter of perspective, EB players aren't respecting my way of playing the game. Most good farmers are far gone, only EB players remain.
If you enjoy farming and ruining someone else's experience then by all means do it. But you can't say you're showing them how the game was when it first started because compare your equipment to theirs, you also probably have pots and gold in allies. I'm also pretty sure you didn't get all that equipment from PvP.
Says the dropped build pure spy... But as wordwaster said, if they give you a reason to farm them by all means go ahead. But from the looks of this its a rather unfair fight.
Before this they just pinned on the nearest OSF. Before that they just pinned on the nearest inactive bot.
Look at your equip, look at your wall, your target is there, he has hooves and spikey helmet, you're filled with EB equip, even if he tried to hit back he would fail due to bfe.
If a player has offended you then whack him for a bit and move on. If a player doesn't wish to participate in pvp then move on. If ruining someone else's game experience is how you make your fun... Clearly you are a genuine ass hat and bully....yes I said it " bully" this is not a strictly war game, and hasn't been for a very long time. This is a social media app thinly disguised as a war game theme that benefits those who are willing or able to spend the most real dollars.
I wasn't that big before this, and the reason I decided not to grow anymore is because it's become hard, really hard to grow here. Resources for farming are far more cheaper at this range. I have no gold, a crappy 2b ally, I only rely on my knowledge and my equipment. Most targets I fight against end up throwing two and three accounts at me, twice my stats. I fight alone.
Meaning that me feeling bad when hitting people like the one on my wall isn't genuine, therefore creating this thread was a waste of words and time. That what you mean?