Granted but you trip, fall, and stab yourself in a tree branch. *Same question in last post* (lazy :lol: )
You battery no longer displays time left of power, but how many miles you must run to keep your laptop operating. I wish for a bourbon and some scotch
Too bad, I had it all. I wish I could be who I want to be instead of someone who is always expected to be something that I'm not.
You're wish is granted (somewhat). Kratos takes you to his bedroom, and well, ya know.... makes you his *****, and kinda sorta impregnates you. Roughly 9 months later, Kratos junior arrives. You're now officially part of the Kratos family. Rejoice. Jeez, I have a really screwed up mind. Ah well.
Then the second to last guy wishes you can't wish anymore I wish that Jay Cutler was actually a good QB
Granted here's your pass port to Canada but all the maple trees are burned down (One above me never put a wish ) I wish I could be farmed
That doesn't make sence... I'm already Canadian living in Canada....Unless....YOU STOLE MY PASSPORT! THEIF! BURGLAR! BULLY!
But he's not famous anymore and he's actually a hobo drug dealer I wish noobs would stop making low effort kaw threads