Devs maybe you should consider placing a week war probation for no shows in war or no actions my alt has been on the losing end 2x because no shows... Any ideas? Or placing size restrictions, we also had 5 accts that were too small to hit.. Links need to be worked out but over all enjoying the Indy wars
Devs if you don't offer anything to encourage people to war, the participation will continue to decrease. How many times lately there was only 1 match or even no match at all?
Drop 200% chests and/or high % plunder spells to EE players. Trial it atleast to see if it increases off season participation
I support 11 man roster wars, especially for primal I don't see why they cannot be used in pre-season
The new times on wars are terrible for us australians and asians. I could handle the midnight war slot but now its 1am so ill be going to sleep around 2am... No thanks.
me to old war times back plz or more wars like s4 , war starts when i have to work , last signup ends before i am done at work...
Can yall please decrease the numer of roster for weekend war. larger rosters suck. hard to control and build strategy with everyone spamming cc. Almost impossible to wc and u end up with more inactives.