Ok, we have all seen the **Update** in the WC. It gives a Notice of some things, one of which is when a clan was created. How about when a kingdom is created, a "**Update**" says the kingdom _____ was created? It would provide, a lot of gold for new players, and give them a reason to keep playing.
This would end up being fairly spammy as mentioned already.Right now new players will have a grey name color when they post in world chat so it's easy to identify them
Kaw_Community how about making it pink to.support cancer awareness. It would stand out. It would also generate support for Breast Cancer. A cancer that both men and women can get. Also, both men and women die from it each year. On another notice. Where is Kaw_Admin at. Need to discuss about the Shark Epic Battle. Merry Christmas. Happy Kawing, Everyone.
I don't mean to be disrespectful, but that's so random.Why should Kaw_community make new player pink for the so sole purpose of supporting breast cancer? That's like me asking for our profiles to be orange to raise awareness for scurvy.
It's VERY RARE for men to get breast Cancer, if you want to support breast cancer awareness do it somewhere else, not a tap tap game.
Something needs to be done with the low end ally market. It is near impossible to find and keep allies for new players. If a new player cant find an ally he cant attain max plunder. In my opinion, allies should not be required for smaller players to obtain max plunder.
It wasn't kaw co, but the players. Kaw gave an actual response, but was then asked random things not relating to the thread.