an urgent issue in need of support !!!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0nesy, Dec 14, 2014.

  1. Every year thousands of construction workers are injured on the job due in fact to one small problem that could easily be fixed. No I'm not talking falls from heights or crushed by machinery. To be honest who cares about that....

    No I am talking about beautiful women....


    Every day hundreds of this species Manius turnis onis in Latin walk past job sites. This causes trades people to go home with cuts, scrapes and bruised thumbs.


    I am proposing a new law that allows all workers everywhere to cease work whenever a pretty woman walks by. This should at least halve the number of male workplace injuries.

    Are you with me?

    Join us next week as we discuss women who walk into poles due to handsome construction workers

    Oh btw I love you igo  don't tell harvo
  2. Support
  3. Support! 
  4. In the words of those before me

  5. What if the worker is gay :|
  6. That will make him stop all the time since he is surrounded with lots of workers
  7. That would fall under the same rule on a case per case basis, but honestly have you seen most construction workers. He would be fine
  8. No support.

    You are blaming women for the cause of men injuring themselves. I find this sexist.
  9. Beauty is in the beholder eyes :p
  10. You are mounting your **** onto a trophy and saying that men have to be sexist.

    Feminist prick.
  11. Fight! Fight! Fight!
  12. Please show me where I said all men are sexist. Please show me. All I said was that to blame a women walking down a street for a man's( inability to control himself) and injury is sexist.
  13. I am sorry fruity they said hot women this doesn't really apply to you

    Jk love yoj
  14. Please show me in OP where he said "Hey guys! Check this ass!! Lets blame **** on them!"


    Nope. Seems like a joke thread.
  15. What about construction women?

  16. I think it's implied when he wants to implement a law that requires all men on the construction cite to cease work when a beautiful women walks by...
  17. All men please stop working, women are fighting on thread