Watch Battle

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Felrook, Dec 13, 2014.

  1. This is just a idea, but what if you could watch the battle after you attack? Then you could see the cool effects of attack/defense pots in action. Just imagine the possibilities.
  2. Kaw would never spend the time or money to do that.
  3. Exciting concept, but it would take too long in a war or pvp
  4. We don't need to see a battle, just play with the sound on and have some imagination.
  5. Try some other game that isn't losing revenue due to lack of innovation. Not saying this game isn't fun because it is, but if you want that then this just isn't the game for you.
  6. That's Clash of Clans
  7. People would watch a couple of 'select all' attk against a full def and then never watch it again.

    Even the animations on battle chess got boring after a while :)
  8. People already complain about having to manually unload. Imagine replacing the simple text battle notices with a short animation or image PER tap. You would probably love it for about 2 mins.
  11. Better idea, after a ee or another osf they can have a video replay showing the battle after the war
  12. It looks like an extra works for devs. :roll:
  13. Why must you bump dead threads? :roll:
  14. I just read it and haven't commented yet. :roll: