Yes everyone who begins to play the game are noobs. Is that a bad thing? Maybe you guys should help them instead of insulting them. But in all I think the best would be for kaw to actually make a tutorial that actually explains things and isn't 5 years old.
I remember back in May I tried to get my friends to play this game and they all said it was stupid within 20 minutes of downloading it.
You are confusing the words "noob" and "newb". Two entirely different words. A newb is a new player. It is not an insult to call someone a "newb". Everyone starts off as a newb. If I see a newb, I try to help them. A noob is a player that has some sort of mental deficiency that prevents them from ever developing their knowledge or skill. Calling someone a "noob" is an insult. When I see a noob, I show them no mercy. That concludes our internet slang usage lesson for today. I hope it was enlightening for you. Because if it wasn't, you are a noob.