Petition to extend Crux Crusades by 1 Week

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Xx-DigiDork-xX, Dec 10, 2014.

  1. Simple enough, I love this event. Ive been playing for years and this is by far the best event they have made. I think a one week extension would be the best Christmas present KaW could give us! :)

    Support List:
    1. Xx-Digidork-xX
    2. RolePlay
    3. Dawg4444
  2. No thanks
  3. I dont see downsides, but it wont happen xD
  4. Cant hurt to try am I right? :)
  5. Pass. Sorry man but I keep getting chests from opening chests. Make it stop!
  6. S'all good man, people have different tastes lol. My only problem with this is the one key/24 hours.
  7. Waaait how is that a problem? the only possible problems are
    1. you dont have crates
    2. You win aqua
    3. Building token as bc
    and those arent really problems either :geek:
  8. The problem I have is 3 crates and cant key for 4 hours. The lockpicks just seem like a money grab.
  9. There are 8? More days of the event, you will open them. And the "problem" is that you have too much free stuff? :(
  10. My problem is that drop rates lowered.
  11. I guess you're right. Beggars cant be choosers. I just kind of wanted to get my thoughts out there. I thought I would get some support but s'all good.
  12. The crates may stay after event if you ask me, remove the golden one. its a nice little bonus
  13. Nah, no support
  14. Haha yeah ive got 3 golden crates today alone lmbo. Opened my first one yesterday and got my first building token. :)
  15. Noob but ily

  16. Get the hell outta here opp
  17. Sounds like someone wants a little longer to hit 500 tokens.

    As for crates, more days equals yet more crates stacking up.