May old souls rest

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by llIIV-----VAL-3N7iN3-----VlIlI, Dec 8, 2014.

  1. Aww. I liked worms. Forum was full of whinners for being scammed xD hire allies to be part of them. Hahaha. Awesome clan. They are like 'don't give a fxxx gang'.
  2. Oh! And i remember the who is val thread. xD funny:')
  3. Go edit that as it is silence-able. Especially with our new trigger happy mods :roll:
  4. Its okeeh. xD i like to misbehave
  5. Glad to see that you remembered to put me on the list for the remaining WORMS, Val. >.<

    Well technically I was kicked out a few days before S1 ended because that ass hole Goliath had some personal vendetta against me.
    Granted I did screw up a few times, like when I fell asleep when I was down during a KO in that 5 AM war, but seriously... Then when I reapplied they accepted then immediately booted me out, so I lost 2 EE levels (you used to lose an EE level every time you left a clan). And that was also the first time I had EVER gotten level 5 EE ever - and lost it an hour later, plus another level.

    But I moved on, joined Spartans of the Under World for 2 seasons where I met some of my best buddies (no idea about that relationship status right now though - it's complicated). And then when I joined The Realm of Elysium > TAZZ's TAVERN > -HELLHOUNDS- after SotUW disbanded.

    But I owe my experience and memories of war to you, Val.
    I first met you when I accidentally said to you in forums: "So you're like another B4ND-41D now?" (He used to be a noob farmer who was slightly well known.)

    A few minutes later you had around 2-4 alts on me, this pitiful 8mil CS Spy Heavy Hybrid. I just played dead and you stopped the hits after a while, and after a conversation in PM.

    Then came EE Season 1, much anticipated after the success of The Estoc Trials.
    I noticed that your clan, W32_SQL_WORMSlllllllllllIIIIII (etc...) was the top or one of the top. Of course, I wanted to join and get in on the EE bonuses and be in the EE Group, which was hard to get into for noobs like me.
    I tentatively PM'd you if I can join, an to my surprise you said yes, as long as I drop build and convert to GH. After a lot of back and forth (150bil or so was a lot to me at that time) I downgraded, and joined the WORMS.
    I had a blast. From the moment I stepped into that confusing as **** CC I loved it. The only way to know who was who was by the emoji they used at the beginning of their messages:
    Val,Thick (don't know if that is silenceable mods- if so, please tell me and I will edit), Goliath, Jac, and a few other people and Emoji's.
    I even remember that one time when we lost to Pillars of Chaos (I think? Or maybe it was We're Screwed or Rising Hawks) by a few million and you nearly quit EE altogether, and CC was filled with pleads to not go, because you were a ****ing awesome WC.

    Either way, I had a blast. I loved the WORMS, and when I had to go, I accepted my fate, and moved on. And now, because of all that, I'm where I am now, in this awesome alliance and clan. (Love you Apoc guys. )

    Props to Val - you should start EEing regularly again.

    Damn I should start writing professional biographies or something.
  6. Val you broke him :eek:

    He never grew again :lol: :p
  7. I became SH, hehehe... :p
  8. GH -> SH
    Close enough
  9. Do any of the worms remember their call sign. I believe mine was 
  10. I never had a call sign- never changed my name.
    I listed a few that I remember in my post above yours.
  11. I've been here since September 2009. How do you think I feel?  My first in-game experience was getting farmed by Raven and Assassin
  12. At which clan did you give owner to iprophet and he then disbanded?
  13. Val you need to include Alpha bro  He was a good part of your setup
  15. Bruh. The days of the fun wars. Now kaw is a completely boring p2w.

    Love all my worm brothers.️
  16. Hey Val, Swifty here :)