Aww. I liked worms. Forum was full of whinners for being scammed xD hire allies to be part of them. Hahaha. Awesome clan. They are like 'don't give a fxxx gang'.
Glad to see that you remembered to put me on the list for the remaining WORMS, Val. >.< Well technically I was kicked out a few days before S1 ended because that ass hole Goliath had some personal vendetta against me. Granted I did screw up a few times, like when I fell asleep when I was down during a KO in that 5 AM war, but seriously... Then when I reapplied they accepted then immediately booted me out, so I lost 2 EE levels (you used to lose an EE level every time you left a clan). And that was also the first time I had EVER gotten level 5 EE ever - and lost it an hour later, plus another level. But I moved on, joined Spartans of the Under World for 2 seasons where I met some of my best buddies (no idea about that relationship status right now though - it's complicated). And then when I joined The Realm of Elysium > TAZZ's TAVERN > -HELLHOUNDS- after SotUW disbanded. But I owe my experience and memories of war to you, Val. I first met you when I accidentally said to you in forums: "So you're like another B4ND-41D now?" (He used to be a noob farmer who was slightly well known.) A few minutes later you had around 2-4 alts on me, this pitiful 8mil CS Spy Heavy Hybrid. I just played dead and you stopped the hits after a while, and after a conversation in PM. Then came EE Season 1, much anticipated after the success of The Estoc Trials. I noticed that your clan, W32_SQL_WORMSlllllllllllIIIIII (etc...) was the top or one of the top. Of course, I wanted to join and get in on the EE bonuses and be in the EE Group, which was hard to get into for noobs like me. I tentatively PM'd you if I can join, an to my surprise you said yes, as long as I drop build and convert to GH. After a lot of back and forth (150bil or so was a lot to me at that time) I downgraded, and joined the WORMS. I had a blast. From the moment I stepped into that confusing as **** CC I loved it. The only way to know who was who was by the emoji they used at the beginning of their messages: Val,Thick (don't know if that is silenceable mods- if so, please tell me and I will edit), Goliath, Jac, and a few other people and Emoji's. I even remember that one time when we lost to Pillars of Chaos (I think? Or maybe it was We're Screwed or Rising Hawks) by a few million and you nearly quit EE altogether, and CC was filled with pleads to not go, because you were a ****ing awesome WC. Either way, I had a blast. I loved the WORMS, and when I had to go, I accepted my fate, and moved on. And now, because of all that, I'm where I am now, in this awesome alliance and clan. (Love you Apoc guys. ) Props to Val - you should start EEing regularly again. Damn I should start writing professional biographies or something.
I never had a call sign- never changed my name. I listed a few that I remember in my post above yours.
I've been here since September 2009. How do you think I feel? My first in-game experience was getting farmed by Raven and Assassin