May old souls rest

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by llIIV-----VAL-3N7iN3-----VlIlI, Dec 8, 2014.

  1. I don't know my time will come. So that's a false statement. I waited 66 days, maybe more. I'm pretty confident you won't do anything.
  2. We still busy lol. Wait when our wars is over and we will be knocking on your kingdom to say hello 
  3. Much respect to the worms I had the pleasure of fighting them when they were warthog strafe run

  4. Give me just enough time to HFBC 6 or so accounts. Nice.
  5. W32_SQLE_WormllllIlIIIIIlllllI
    Emoji: #

    Everyone out there who see my name in the feed, can send Thank You cards to Val.
    Guy talked me into driving my acct like I stole it.

    Had great times fighting with and against Worms.
    Still have a few wall posts way back then on _SL1M_ 's wall.
  6. I see you left me out of first post though...

    The thanks I get for teaching you lot how to E-War.

  7. Wurms 4 lyfe homeh I luv u til die
  8. You don't know who head is? follow me then 
  9. 

  10. Ya. Still have worm funk on my wall too.

    The-Devils-reaper I haven't forgot about you....
  11. "War"
    I dont think much of anyone really noticed. PvPers are aware but its as important as me remembering what I wore last November 1st :roll:

    I dont speak for anyone but myself when say shut it and support Val.
  12. Lol support val. U can support val with them on ur chin. Dam val u making everyone into a cheerleader. I guess that **** is contagious haha.
  13. Who are New Age?
    Like seriously...
  14. You must know if u know the name lame! Lol
  15. I was in the try hard sub clan that everyone got kicked from by an accidental admin then nobody cane back ;-;

    lyek if yuh cri every tyem
  16. You forgot Alpha bro
  17. When someone supports beers enemy:

    Cheerleader cheerleader! <repeatedinsult>

    Yea c'mon man lets team up and make a trash talking duo!!!!
    When someone supports beer (as if lol)
  18. When you say <everyone knows your a war runner coward pig swine> whatever insult you got from Alison, it generally means.. Only you think that.