aqua and inferno

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by WOD-Joel23-WOD-, Dec 9, 2014.

  1. We should be able to sell our extra aqua and inferno. Anyone else think so
  2. Please spend more Tim on your posts, as this cluttered AT.
  3. Leave Tim out of this.
  4. 
  5. *Those times you click on an ops profile convinced they are a noob and its like.....oh my*
  6. Spend more time then ill take you serious for now no support
  7. Sorry, I'd rather hold on to all my extra aqua and inferno and admire them.

    No support.
  8. Aqua is a person. She can not be sold for your petty money. She says we sell OP and see how he likes it.
  9. why would you want to sell aqua anyway? aqua is fun.

  10. Point proven.
  11. Aqua is fine, I can bathe in it...
    Inferno on the other hand.....
  12. I say we sell OP for a party with Aqua. Aqua is fun. It must be true if wordwaster says it is.
  13. Would be nice if we could convert aqua to xstals
  14. #SupportForSellingOp
  15. xD