CF to Wrath_of_God

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Kasama, Dec 8, 2014.

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  2. damn people... WTF!! Making a whole lot of something out of nothing!
  3. 49% of all fights on kaw are due to someone making something out of nothing.

    the other 51% is because of a woman.
  4. What Wordwaster said :)
  5. What are you tryin to say? You think I fight over nothing? Alright time for a farming
  6. Hey mama , I wasn't making anything out of nothin :), just supporting a good friend thunda
  7. Agreed. I post with whatever accnt I read the thread on. Which is most commonly my attk build since I've switched devices and put it on my new phone. I don't see why people are so afraid of inc that they post with worthless alts.
  8. Thread has outlived its purpose.
  9. #TheTruthHurts
  10. sasuke your one of them leeches that always jump on the bandwagon even when you have no idea the back history why these rivallrys began or how long for. every comment you have to jump in with a little snide remark to make you feel superior . rikkiDefect brought it on himself by saying i have no credability " as if he has " i never speak to the wally except when its to reply back to his condescending insults because he thinks hes one of the cool gang on forums that can tell us all how we can speak or act etc. facts are nobody run the forums or kaw no matter weither new or a old player.rikkiDefect is part of the groupies who get sleaze talk on a 3rd party app from bootsy hotty and the fleas . so obviously hes going to help them out by insulting me so he dont lose that sleaze talk on the side. hotty is a idiot from when i clashed with bootsy .hotty used join in with bootsy/BarbieToundTheWhisky trying to talk dumb to me and try to insult me. so sasuke before you try jump in do know that i dont insult or be nasty to anybody who dont try insult or confront me. but those that do its your own fault what gets spoken back via me. dont cry victim when you provoked it . Thankyou to Thunda and lord of war and all of W.O.G im deeply touched
  11. K
  12. Who touched you :0
  13. it means grateful
  14. The butthurt is strong in this one. Cry like a girl he must.
  15. I'd really like to go back in time to a point where I opened the forums and didn't have to be subjected to roni.
  16. we all wish a lot of things dean not all wishes come true.

  17. Do you know what these terms was awesome. I have no knowlage for apoc wrath of god tbh. But like any good KaW family they help and support eachother.

    Op you make your self look weak by posting abusive things when there's a mature resolution. Just because your a spie does not make you a warrior. A true warrior fights not speaks.

    I have not read the rest of this thread because this comment I have quoted is reasonable request and if you ask me not many people are so forgiving.

    Walk away to fight another day.
  18. Devs can you please get rid of all spy building so we have only warriors in KAW.
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