I like this idea. Made if they don't do this they can instead add different types of bars that can be used for later banners like these. Scenario: There are banners that devs create but want to have different upgrade materials required so they introduce different type of bars or something else we could buy while also having something earned from ebs like current system. So they make silver bars into the game that do cost more.
he means there are alternatives that are used to bank gold away without paying a tax on it. i agree with him. there is s cap to what ill buy in bb. just think about the tax on 400-500 bill. you basically just mini stripped yourself. Edit: after rereading it, this isnt what he means.. either way, i wont put more than 200-300 bill away in bb unless its the absolute only option left.
Have you even gave inc to accounts that are 12 mil cs or bigger? Talk about our clan when you the self pinning eb ally horder does **** all apart from self pinning on the eb and hitting people opposite end of hit ranges :lol:
Here's a solution for that it's called using a pc to buy and sell bb you can input how much you want instead of the standard 500 Well you could when I was a osf back in the day
Support, selling them 500 at a time on a device is time consuming. It's a quick update I'm sure, and it would just make life easier and more enjoyable! Banking gold after hits in the recent pvp event in bb >
I support would be really useful in an osw faster banking although would also be nice if they have higher costs of bars ex gold bars=10b silver=1b platinum=100b.
Ok, but what can stop someone from accidents buying 5k . It's happen to be I've bought 500 bb. Was like wtf that was dumb. My thumb double clicked . But yeah my experience