The reason for there not being a mass unload on ebs is due to the problems it would cause... 1. Server lag 2. The problem if 2people mass unload at end of eb. Who gets the kill? 3. Waste of troops(if u lose u want to know that u need to use items for next hit) The reasons for there not being a repeat button on PvP 1. While this is a time stacking process mobile gaming is meant to just give that advantage of being on more the stationary(computers) players
Support to all Except the pets idea That doesnt seem like it would fit well with this game Id say you could change the side aspects to it and have it like be a building you could make that makes a "Hero" for you army which gives you percent bonuses and such but even that still doesn't seem to fit the game that much :L Just letting you know my opinion But i liked all the other ideas
Ok I was meaning it as equipment and if on mobile the loading screen in the background there is a dragon attacking the castle. I just think that it would be something to add in
I support everything except for pets and avatars I just like that there arnt any of those things in this game. The activity timer should just be has this player been on in the pass month or two
No support for activity timers for all the staggeringly obvious reasons. Its not hard to work out if an ally is active for gods sake. It just requires a tiny bit of effort.
This is towards Snowman's response as well. The activity timer would be more towards telling an owner if the player is active and if so how long ago. It could be used for hiring allies but yes it just takes some searching and u can tell if the player is active or not
The activity timer will be used by farmers to strip targets. Why isnt this obvious to everyone? There are a number of ways to see if an ally is active so no need for this.
Support. But this'll never happen. Devs are way too lazy. They'll never do anything that won't make them money.
So, I could get 3 seals in 30 days? Seems a little too easy, also it's way too easy for players just to login and not do anything the rest of the day.