Ok first you want bb codes N color go read the goddamn bb thread, second excuse my piss poor grammar and spelling I have pretty severe alpha dyslexia so posting can be a task. Anyway to the point of this discussion "what's gone wrong in kaw " and for those that know me or saw any of my rather angry rants on devs threads I'm referring to the farce that became the recent pvp event. You see my problem is that when I downloaded this game I assumed I was downloading a WAR game where players would fight against one another with the odd eb in your times of peace for easy gold. However the travesty that became the pvp event when devs halved the length which was bad enough and IMO should have been enough to appease the crying little girls that blew up atas email crying about the fact they where being hit in a goddamn war game. I mean is just me or is it not like someone crying about being shot in cod or having a goal scored against them in fifa. Just it ain't right that the opt out should ever have been allowed, why allow someone to have a holiday from something they can have to face at any other time? Also the way it went has left me really concerned that devs may bring out an opt out spell on a more permanent basis which would destroy what Kingdoms at War truly is an sorry eb fairies it ain't slapping apheriums ass it's about fighting alongside friends and family against what often becomes friends, So I ask did devs do the wrong thing by kaw and its players with there actions in the recent event? Thanx for reading an all opinion is welcome
The opt out should of only stopped those a fairies in paying shards. I don't even know why devs didn't think of the abuse which was coursed from the opt out. But I do agree the event wasn't long enough it should be at least 2 weeks long or at least end on a Sunday night. What I'm saying for this is opt only needs to stop the person casting from taking part and paying in the event items drop, also to make those events as long as the eb events.
Firstly your comparison to CoD is not really a good one at all. The PvP and PvE aspects of that game are separated. (Probably the same for Fifa, wouldn't know though) Here in KaW however we have PvP and PvE intertwined. Now onto the main bit. Should they have added opt out in that manner? Not really no. Fact of the matter is they did and its over. No amount of being angry and throwing childish insults about will change that. Now along with the opt out they included a bit stating it wouldn't be done that way again. Lot of people seem to ignore that. This was their first attempt at a PvP event and naturally comes fixes and changes. All that can be done is to sit back and see how they handle the next event.
I say the opt out button was fair cuz we can opt in or out of wars an ebs aswell, but the thing that pissed me off on that event was that they hid the leaders names , which was bs, make it just as hard for the lbs as it was for smaller guys. Keep leader board open with names
Well in my opinion, this event wasn't exactly a PvP event. More like just chaos. Yes, it's still war I guess, but some people don't enjoy, or even have time, to stay constantly pinned. Because that's what it was. If you didn't stay pinned, you lost half your shards within like an hour. Plus, why do you have a problem with who opted out? Its like people just want those easy targets. Don't get me wrong, I don't believe it was fair that people had the choice to not get hit for a week, but I also don't think it would've been fair to force someone to do something they didn't want to, or simply didn't have time to do. This should've been an opt in event. Btw, why are we still focusing on an event that has passed already? Devs have already gotten plenty of feedback that is the exact same as everything on this thread.
There have been many of this thread created. If you were to download the game 3-4years ago, you would have no ebs, but pwars, and BL to grow, but hey, that is the past. The developers tried to improve the game to make it more interesting because if it stayed the same as it was 4-3years ago, this would be probably dead by now.
A war game could mean PvP or it could mean war against monsters (ebs) etc. People are free to play the game however they like.
Then we should be free to pvp who we like. Instead we get our threads locked. Players get banned for promoting pvp. And moderators silence abd forum ban any who speak out for farming non-pvp players. What's wrong with Kaw? Well in part they support 1 type of player while taking actions against another type of player all the while saying there is room for both. Don't believe me? Promote farming eb clans or a specific player and watch your ban roll in.
Devs stated the opt out is one time only, this was probably the easiest and fastest to program. So this entire thread is pointless
It's not a war game, it's an MMORPG. You can play however you want. Wars are a part of the game but are not everything. Just a cog in the kaw machine.
pwars existed from 09-2011. I have been playing since 2010. Your 2 years badge tells me that you started playing when ebs were created :lol: dont act like you-know-it-all with that badge. Get your fact straight. Or just dont act like you know it all you im-a-vet-know-it-all wannabe.
@D3VIL They didn't exist in 2011..? Perhaps my memory really has gone, but I think they did exist then. *Perhaps EBs are older than I thought though.
I played since March 2011. Pwars ended in 2011. Exactly 3 years ago, mith wars were already underway.