Oh yes we fear for the day when statless alts rise up and strip us of 35 tril. Move along little chump
I think youre wrong. It was a pvp event, there is no way kotfe or apoc or what ever stripped everyone who hit their members. I hit plenty of war clans, no strip for me. Id be a hell of an ez target too, but it was a pvp event, people didnt even complain about farming for me.
If you hit instinct you are on the list just saying. Who knows how many other clans did same thing. It's a war game, we don't give a **** if its a pvp event
Perhaps if you spent more time taking part in pvp you would understand better. You stated that you never pvp until this event. Well hats off to KotFE and Apoc for showing you how it's done. They do that on a regular basis and don't pretend to be gangsters for a 1 week event, they are pros at it. Stop crying and play the game how it should be played. Statless noob
ahahahaha. i love internet gangsters. kotfe is one of the most powerful war clans in kaw... but lets not get ahead of ourselves here.
Enough of this NOOB crap. Look you hit an apoc council member fine. Then you went back for more. That was your biggest mistake. I know wdgaf and zaft and apoc all made list of these type of people. This is how we play the game, get over it, you PVP for 1 week we have pvp for 4 years. Earn respect to get respect. Eb fairys don't have ours. Next time rethink how you go about your business.
I'm kinda curious as who he should fight back honestly. Are you telling him to fight all of apoc on his own or go after the guy who claimed to strip him. Apparently he didn't want to fight back he just wanted to have the guy stripped. Kinda ridiculous but hey everyone plays their own game. I Just didn't quite understand the comment of fight back and who that was even directed to. To op if you don't spend any money on the game then I guess no big deal really cause its not like you didn't enjoy playing the game the entire time you played. But I still agree a 8.5t strip for some hits is a bit extreme.
I think Pulp Fiction explained what happened pretty well. "Vincent: So whad he do, **** her? Jules: No no no... notin that bad. Vincent: Well than whad he do..? Jules: Gave her a foot massage. Vincent: A foot massage? Thats it? And whad Marcellas do? Jules: Sent a couple of cats over to his place, they took him out on his patio, threw his ass over the balcony. Nigger fell four stories.." :?
Ah. the truth comes out, op unloaded on kotfe repeatedly. I retract my support for him, but still think 8.5t is kinda stupid to waste on him. owell.
respect for that response, cole. request a lock and call it a day, op. that's about the best you could have hoped for from this thread.
Support. Some of my best friends I have made are through osw enemies or people I have farmed or been farmed by. I always encourage everyone to hit people instead of ebs from time to time. Make some good friends or enjoy the rush of a good pvp. Either way don't think you should quit because a strip. Have fun and enjoy all aspects of the game.
It's what they do Op, hide behind an alliance and bully. What most big OSW clans do, and why not? Like an empire, it's that arrogance which leads to its demise. Just a matter of time. Remember iG and how they'd bully smaller clans when they didn't have to? Where's iG now? Lol. Ps : please don't strip my 40b ally. He's all I have in this world. :lol: