Hazzy's Hideout

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Hazzernater, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. hmmm
  2. Stop quoting :|
  3. #seriousliah
  4. Daph how you get that flower thing :shock:
  5. A handsome fellow gave it to me.

    Baht 4 lyke srshly you can edit your forum signature.
  6. So i can have a cageicorn as mine? :ugeek:
  7. :eek: I gave you a flower. Or is there someone else? #betrayed #gonnacrynow
  8. Slayer i added you as a foe :cool: idk what it means
  9. Fool stop with the leaking of sluard names! our enemenemies can use this info to destroy us. and whats a foe and how'd you do it?
  10. #mostcolorfulthread
  11. Mbbb go back and edit out all my names I don't want people knowing I'm the famous King of FC.
  12. Great now he has to deal with the inevitable waves of groupies.
  13. This post just does not feel right
    that was harsh! we still cool?
  15. Not again. Last time all the girls were like ERMERGERD ITS SLAYER!!!! then my brahs harry styles and Justin Bieber were like we are here too and them girls were like who are you...
  16. So you agree your name is slayer? :D
  17. Only if you promise to protect me from the groupies. They won't recognize our wedding as official because they weren't invited
  18. So you are giving up on foxy so soon, she will be excited to here that.
  19. Mbbb is the one that likes foxy. But he doesn't know how to talk to women :\