Kingdom Expansion

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by xFx_Ashes_xFx, Dec 2, 2014.

  1. I'm sure this has been covered in the past, but KaW why don't we make every corner of the kingdom expandable? The hoarfrost has an ice kingdom therefore it is an icy land. We should be able to expand in all four directions, for example the air balloon in the bottom right should lead to a more expensive aerial kingdom of some sort.

    As I said before this has probably been covered but I wanted to see the communities reaction to this.

    Support? Or nah?
  2. Skylands have been suggested so many times so.
  3. New lands will be here eventually. Most already think they'll come in the next few weeks  and you just discovered hf, I'd be waiting before wanting new lands. Because more than likely, they'll be way to expensive.
  4. Lol they will be for me but for the larger players I'm sure they would be very useful
  5. Yes, probably very useful. But even a player my size will be probably not benefit because of how expensive they will most likely be 
  6. Look, a rare wild cat troll machine on forums, catch it before it goes back into hiding.
  7. Just have to wait and see I suppose
  8. Let's just make the lb even more unreachable hooray
  9. If they open more lands too soon many will give up and quit, they will not open more lands until the average players stats rises, if they open them now they will gain money from LB but lose money from many other players so it won't be worth it until we all grow a bit
  10. Anyone else having a problem quoting? Or is it just me?
  11. I am
  12. Huh. I guess it's fixed now.  I was getting this weird error update every time I tried. Idk.
  13. Hey 1 top 50 LB player gives more money to ata in a week than 100 of us "average" players do in a month. I'm pretty sure they will have to cater to keeping the big spenders in the game.

    Lose a few stragglers or lose one of your major sources of income?

    I'd choose the latter if I were ata
  14. I saw a rumour on line that the four corners will be open and that the next map to open will be the "Fire Lands" and that you will have to buy inferno to open the 100 inferno for the first land, etc...

    Wait n see I guess
  15. buy inferno? what is this nonsense
  16. My word is not law. Just a rumour
  17. Riots in the streets