Moving Buildings

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Nefarious, Dec 2, 2014.

  1. Get it right the 1st time then
  2. With that stupid reply ^ I want you to say you never changed buildings ever

    (Be honest)
  3. Changed n converted many times but who cares if orderly.
  4. Why would i lie n call it honesty?
    Does that satisfy ur requirement of stupidity?
  5. Not everyone feels the same.

    Personally I dont care but some people DO.

    And no. Your answer doesnt satisfy anything since the thread doesnt relate to you.
  6. support,but not necessity.
  7. Your English makes me wonder what humanity looks like when your generation rules the world.
  8. support, don't see why not
  9. I tore down my build many times. I have severe ocd. Scout me if you think I am joking. No support.
  10. I have that.......OCD thing......
  11. @21robber21

    My generation does rule the world Jr

  12. Actually when you build as you grow lands start looking like a zoo. I have terrible ocd, and around the time I first started I reset because my building layout bothered me.

    Now everything is in order, another thing that bothers me is when my equip isn't lvl 5 or 10, any other number just annoys me and feels out of place
  13. This is the point of the thread. If you have a problem with where your buildings are, think before planting a building
  14. Like how I stated I'd never played this game before so everything was a mystery as I progressed.

    As I opened new lands and realized what everything was it changed that for me.
  15. I know a number of ppl suffering from OCD n its nastier for some more than others. If i offended anyone with OCD I apologize. it was not my intent nor am I blind to the reality of its effects.
    I hope u continue to play n enjoy KaW
  16. I just got back into the game after 4 long years and I totally forgot I couldn't move buildings. Be so jittery I just bought land wherever and its driving my OCD up the wall. I like the idea
  17. Here is a idea. Why not just sell your building and replace for another. If you have a ocd thing you would had thought of this earlier on where you want it to be. Like i did so hahahahahahaa