Oops - lolololloooooo The stats are Hatchery - 325,605/215,313 attack/defense Colony - 297,689/297,689 att/def Torture garden - 247,464/326,109 Volary - 200,670 spy att/def CW - 301,455 spy def AD - 366,612 attck def
Are there any good tutorials that teach you how to make Emoji/ASCII Art? I want to learn how people make all these awesome pics made of emoji/and ASCII. Tutorial wouldn't have to be located just on kaw anywhere on the net. Ill look myself as well but curious to if anybody can save me some time? Not sure if this warranted a thread by itself depending on the answers I get here ill do that and post what I can find. I will make a better attempt at grammar if I do make a thread lol Ty all
I think its based on creativity and how you put it together. Back on gaw, there were players that were great at emoji art such as Ez, and shaggy. I think shaggy is here but inactive, other than that. I dont think there are tutorials
Before the Black Friday my HTE plunder bonus used to be about 66 bil, after it it's suddenly 100 bil. I only upgraded the colony, volary and another colony to lvl3 . Is the change in plunder a lag , or the build change?
The event was extended to monday but i think they forgot to take it down; im still getting 100 mill a hit and havent even changed build