Ok so this is the first proper thread that I have made in a very long time so please bear with me. Also, this is an idea in its infancy, so constructive criticism is needed here. Having said this, please try and contribute something rather than just being cynical. Thanks. ______________________________________ Ok, so the idea is that each clan has a 'base'. They start with a level one base but can increase it's level using gold (or nobs, or another material... still to be decided). There would also be a way to add attack/defence to the base (reason for this explained later on) Now this base will have benefits for the clan members. These could include: - Certain amount of gold given to clan members every 24 hours - When attacking a player/eb, an extra plunder bonus is added called 'base bonus' which grants extra plunder depending on level of base - Small percentage of atk/def/spyatk/spydef added to members These benefits could be restricted to members who have been in the clan for a certain amount of time. I have also thought up another feature using the bases: This is where the attack/defence of the base comes in to place. The idea is that once per day, your clan can get an option called 'battle base'. When activated, your clan would be randomly given another clan's base to attack. The base would have a certain amount of hp, depending on its level, and once your legion gets it's hp to 0, you have beaten it. There would be a time limit on trying to beat it. The defence on the base determined how easily it can withstand attacks. The attack it has on it is more interesting. Once you have attacked the base even once, you are added to a list. The base, over the time, would attack people on this list at random intervals. This just makes it a bit more exciting than just hitting something that doesn't hit back. Once the base is beaten, there would be the option to 'raid' it. This option would of course only be available to people who have damaged the base. The rewards you get from raiding a beaten base would depend on not only it's level, but also the amount of damage you dealt. The rewards would range from small gold amounts to pieces of equipment. So that's the idea. What do you think? I believe that it inputs a whole extra area of strategy in to the game
Good idea. Support. Also, instead of putting underscores, you can simply just do, Code: [hr][/hr] It does this,
Support, cool idea (though the title makes it seem like the thread is about a themed clan or something, kind of misleading)
Good idea. But as you know everyone, the whales will turn it into a farce. So, it should be as your clan becomes bigger or you have someone big in the clan, your payoff drops. This way, the smaller kingdoms will have some advantage in growth.
Interesting idea,but for the bonuses being given to players that have been in the clan for a certain amount of time can be frustrating with all the wars and equip huntings.And the bonuses would be pretty much useless to mercs.