You are off topic. Just to clear things up, Xbox has MORE bloatware including things like the snap feature. Also, PS4 works well with 1080p unlike the Xbox One, which lacks 1080p ability. The problem is Xbox One is focused too much around entertainment and not gaming. Thus, making the PS4 the most versatile gaming machine besides a PC. Xbox One has a little more power, but too much **** which make it slower and games less enjoyable. While my PS4 can download and play games much faster and with a more clear picture. Reference: I have the Xbox One and PS4. I only use my Xbox to talk to friends and play Halo.
^You missed the part where xbox is rehashing old titles instead of bringing in more indie devs and new exclusives. Might want to give microsoft a plunger.
I have a question on the game. I made a character at the beginning. I only get to use that character when I am at that 1 place where I buy stuff.. How do I use him for like missions and stuff?
I'm making a Titan that only levels up via PvP. So far, I find that pretty fun. The guns you can get... I can't tell what primary I prefer, since the assault rifles still seem to out-range pulse and scout rifles (to me, anyways.)
So the destiny hype train was huge. Most expensive game ever, $500m. The game is awesome, plays well, looks good etc. the only problem is the they didn't add enough content, and left it for dlc. The story is trash, linear and boring. Over all, it's a good game but just not as good as it should have been.