Hey all! I am here today with a new game that I bought called "Destiny". I have been told that it is a fantastic game! So I bought it. It is still downloading the game right now. I want to know the KaWmunities opinions and point of views on this game. Thanks!
I have only played it for Xbox 360 but recently got a ps4 with that game included. I liked the Xbox version a lot and can't wait until I have time to actually set up my ps4 so I can play. Still might not be until next weekend haha.
Because the Xbone-(Rated "R") is ******* awesome and the "Snap" feature is amazing. Yeaaa I just set up my Xbone and Halo: The Master Chief Collection with my 50" screen. It's the ****.
And no, you guys are idiots if you think that PS4 can easily handle 1080p while the Xbone struggles at 720p. They both use the same, or very similar CPU, and the Xbone actually has more space (RAM and other) than the PS4 because it's not loaded down with random **** bloatware. At least the space used on the Xbone makes sense because of the Snap feature and it's very detailed OS. The PS4 just plays games, while the Xbone does everything. Plus we have Halo, and you have... Killzone?
I love this game! I've invested about 600 hours in total on it, while reaching the maximum level on three different character classes. So here's some advice: -Beat campaign and reach level 20. -Once you reach level 20, in order to progress further in levels you need specific armor which has "light points". -(warning, this is a grind) Best to do vanguard strikes until you get the best blue armor available. During which, complete bounties to earn faction expierience. During each strike you earn different points which can be used to buy legendary gear from a merchant. -purchase legendary gear when you can and hopefully you should exceed level 25 at this point. -by this time, you should be legible to do the raid! Yay! In the raid, you can earn exclusive legendary weapons and armor! This armor is special, it's the only way to reach level 30! -strange coins and motes of light you earn, can be used to purchase exotics from an exclusive vendor named Xur who appears on weekends. Hope this helps!
Sadly the game heavily relies on DLC, Chaos. It's the only thing that might hold me back from getting the game after I played that ******* awesome Beta a few months ago. I clocked 16 hours over 3 days, one all Nighter, and had school alongside it. That was the most I ever gamed over a weekend, I think.
Phoenix, I agree with you 200%! The story was vague and they used too many terms which weren't elaborated at all in the story. Example: Rasputin, the traveler, etc. There isn't enough content by far. The only reason I kept playing was to earn majority of the good exotics to prepare me for the next raid. Ps4 owners tho are getting more content since Bungie apparently had an exclusive content contract with Sony.