battlefield or cod

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by leonidas2qw, Nov 29, 2014.

  1. Battlefield > CoD
  2. Battlefield<KaW>CoD
  3. No it actually has a original spin on it although it does have some of the features of cod like most multiplayer games have it puts a original spin on it
  4. @Leonidas Xbox One or PS 4?!?
  5. Ps4
  6. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  7. Call of duty by Treyarch zombies, party games, and zombies!!! I love he diversity of the game
  8. I prefer haddock to cod.
  9. Sorry I'm a battlefield player  cod is good but I'm hooked on bf 
  10. Both games are so different from the other comparing them is like comparing GTA and Watchdogs. Battlefield is a slow paced battle simulator and requires some form of skill to do good, cod on the other hand is fast paced and takes no skill to do good jump shot get kill, drop shot get kill. Between the two though, battlefield definitely better in almost every aspect.