PVP EVENT IDEA FOR 2014 or 2015.

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by ConorMcGregor, Nov 29, 2014.

  1. Full support
  3. Hard to read with those colours...
  4. That's dumb you get 10% for 250 shards? Lol top 10 got 5% in this eb no way they are gonna give you 10% for only getting 250
  5. "Skulls not shards"

  6. I would like it if you opt in stealing is the same as attack in news feed, as it's not pvp if they can't hit back. And the amount you lose is not connected to the amount you have. Eg if the smallest in my hit range can take 5 skulls then that stays the same if I have 200 or 20,000.
  7. DUUHHHHHHHHHHH thats why i said "OPEN TO DISCUSSION" Can you read?
  8. I think the percentages are pretty steep but if it's only for one week idk maybe.

    I love the idea though, i personally think hitting smaller people should give very next to nothing depending on stats I mean I sat at school knowing there was players the size of _balle_ free farming my shards simply because my hit range is so big and partly because they know i dont have the stats,bfa or bfe to do anything back.
    Sure I could self pin but with school and stiff i didnt have the kind of time.
  9. Yep already covered. We have a max range with or without swords :D
  10. Stealing shows up when something is stolen pvp items etc.

  11. To easily identify, we might give temporary flairs on names like a red dot on each side or something :D
  12. A mark of shame?

  13. Should have fairies next to the name :lol: the mark of the fairy xD
  14. I like the event suggestion I may even not be bored of this one!

    Awful painful to read I know!
  15. All HAILThe Mighty TronTop 1000 Shard Event Winner
  16. Names could be changed to pink with an astrix like *NAME_HERE*
    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  17. 100000000000000000000% SUPPORT!!!! I LOVE IT :D :D :D :D