Can you imagine a war without plunder? I can. Individual War: Players are immune to plunder loss/gain during war and war preparation. Each player is rewarded 10 Shards of Victory upon start of war. Steal or Atk opposing teams players for .25% chance per successful action to receive a shard. Collect all of your opponents shards for Flawless Victory or possess highest total number of shards at end of the war for Victory. Devs get creative at an attractive reward per cost incentive. X amount of Gold, Mith, or Crystals can be gambled towards X amount of Gold, Mith, or Crystal reward. You only receive reward for Victory and 2x reward for Flawless Victory. Enjoy.
the number would need to be changed, but it could be fun actually. everyone would start with the same, those who are losing lose less and less, those who are wining lose more and more etc. it would be an interesting balancing mechanic. problem is, with no plunder or mith involved youd need to incentivize it a lot better than 10 shards :lol: has promise, but like nearly every suggestion ever, it will never be put into action. also if you post "no support" without a reason or anything else, i believe it should be considered spam and should be deleted by mods.
Thank you for your constructive input. After reading the well put together forum on a new Shard-like event I was glad to know that others have seen the great potential of this type of PvP.
No thanks. I say no more welfare for the big powerful kingdoms at the expense of everyone tryin to grow. It's no good when u can be attacked by a kingdom that's 10x ur CS.
Yes this gives more experienced players a chance to grow if they are successful, but also, it gives the learning player a chance to gain confidence, show understanding, and enjoy experiencing PvP. Fear rises from knowledge of the past and I think a well designed, relaxed, and appealing new war style wouldn't hurt to try.