
Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by -AoW_Seth84_SE-, Nov 12, 2014.

  1. 543 aqua, 260 inferno. no support
  2. Support
    Just figure out a way it would profit the devs more
    Because ideas that profit the devs have more of a chance to be put into action :/
    Not calling them greedy but in all honesty most ppl would have it like that if they were in the devs position
  3. Support.. Again.
  4. Yes... This needs to be implemented :lol:
  5. No support

    Save up and buy inferno

    You know that Aqua costs Xtals right? That's real money. So if you have a mound of Aqua you've basically got a ton of free stuff. For e.g;

    You have to pay (UK £) £2.99 for 6 XTALS to buy 1 Aqua with 5 of those xtals.

    So if you have 24 Aqua you basically have;

    20 x 6 xtals @ £2.99 = 120 xtals @ £59.80

    120 xtals buys 1 Aqua @ 5 xtals = 24 aqua

    So 24 Aqua adds up to £59.80 of free stuff from ATA.

    I have 134 aqua...if I only had 96 Aqua I'd have £239 worth of free stuff!!!

    I think ATA are being very generous so maybe it's not so bad that you save up for inferno after all.

    Otherwise they might stop dropping the Aqua full stop. Just a thought
  6. Thx for the support guys
  7. Support 
  8. Child support? Sounds terrible