Hello KaW community this is an idea that can actually save some people money in the long run off buying xtals for wars. This also would save people from buying that one speaker to post on wa. I know that premium is a bit overpowered, but it cost $100 Gold account will cost $69.99 Perks: 200 speakers and 600 nobility points. A permanent item that provides 15% boost to all stats. 1 free health crystal a day forever. 7 speakers a day instead of the 5 you usually get (this applies for PC users too.) Maximum free speaker at one time 30 (unlike the 25 now the propose of the 30 is for being able to post in wa without nobility points.) Gets a tag that says Gold like the pro tag. Premium account will cost 99.99 Perks: 400 speakers and 800 nobility points. A permanent item that provides 20% boost to all stats and a 1% plunder boost (cannot be used in wars.) One free health crystal a day forever. 10 speakers a day. Maximum free speaker limit at one time 100. Gets one Aqua and one inferno a week free. Gets a tag that says Premium like the one for pros. Has a silver name color in forums wc cc and ac (this ability will have a toggle button on your profile page and any color spells casted will override the silver) The cost of building/exploring land will be .5% off forever. POST YOUR OPINIONS this isn't ment to be taken seriously
Yes.. let's increase the gap between people who pay and those who don't even more.. sounds fantastic..
I disagree Kaw is free and it should be the idea of a premium account does work in some game but in Kaw I can see it making players who pay skip though most of the developmental areas of the game, making it go by way to fast. The reason why mobile game are popular right now is because people know they can always get stronger and the end is far. Premium accounts will just lead to people over using items and gold to push their way quickly to the top of the player list making the game not at all challenging.
Wait wait wait.. why would you put so much effort into a post(information wise) that isn't meant to be taken seriously *facepalm