TAKE OPT OUT LIST OUT OF THE GRAVE YARD. Please keep posting people who OPTed out on my wall and PM's please. Why did you guys remove my opt out list? Was it because you guys thought it was a hit list? Because if that was the case your moderator did the same thing Damocles list. Was it the amount of feedback you got from the fairies crying about it? This may very well be the reason because you guys have been changing a lot for these eb fairies. You guy cater only to your EB players and turn a blind eye on the PVPers. Yes this game is going in the EB direction but at least when creating an event stick to it. Anyways my list will still be growing it may not be on forums but it will be there. Thanks devs for showing me how much you cater to only EB players. Target_generator Ooh and why didnt I just email this? I emailed them yesterday and got the trashiest response. It was computer generated and answered none of my questions comments or concerns. FUTURE MOD
The Damocles list was a list of players who were in most cases deliberately going inactive to affect the outcome of wars. The intention was not to encourage other stop attack these players but rather to warn them and keep them informed when looking to invite new players warring. The Opt-Out Hit List instead clearly targets users for choosing to engage in an acceptable method of gameplay because it does not match your beliefs. It goes even further by encouraging other players to join in and harass these players because of this choice of theirs. The thread will remain in the graveyard. For more information, please read this thread.