This is the complete truth. Apply for college financial aid nowadays. Not a minority? Good luck. Free lunches in public schools too
Think you guys missed my point on that. (Whoever it was.) Was stating how, since we have a black president, that racism is all gone. I was only bringing up that fact to disprove. I'm sure lots of black people voted because of his skin. But, they didn't vote out of anger or hatred.
The decision that was made was based on the presented facts of the situation, i think based on that alone it was a fair decision made by a group of people who actually viewed everything. Boiled down it was an altercation between two people in which one tragically came to his end. In this itself was not the problem, there was no racism, hatred, or bigotry involved. This was what it was turned in to by the media and special interest groups trying to twist the facts to sensationalize an incident. The blame lies clearly with the people not involved and for that they should be the ones prosecuted and called to task for theyre behavior. This i feel is the saddest part of the situation.
They had Mr. Wilson's testimony. They did not have testimony from Mr. Brown. When only one side of the story is presented, it's easier to make a decision based on the "evidence." The grand jury proceeding took place in a different county then the incident. The grand jury was chosen from A very different representative body of the public then that of Ferguson. Also, there is a legitimate concern about the partiality of The state prosecutor, who on past occasions has refused to push for indictments against his fellow police officers. These are legitimate concerns that call into question weather just is really has been served or not. Who knows whether Mr. Wilson Would actually be found guilty or not. Now we may never know. And the Missouri Justice Department could have taken any number of steps (for example appointing a substitute prosecutor and choosing a more representative grand jury), to allay their fears of the Ferguson population that the police are not subject to the law. They did not. I do not approve of the riots. But when a population feels that their supposed protectors are engaged in unrestrained oppression, there will be a reaction.
I hope people aren't mistaking my justice was served comment as me talking about a teen losing his life. Which is not the case. It is awful that someone so young had to be killed. That comment was referring to the police officer not being charged with any crimes. It was before the race baiters came out and started crying that people were racist. Nate- I think the cop completely acted in his line of duty by pursuing brown. Brown just assaulted an armed police officer. What might he do to an unarmed citizen? Darren Wilson ultimately put his life on the line when he stepped out of the car to take a dangerous criminal off the streets. We need more cops who are willing to sacrifice themselves to protect the general public and less cops who let violent criminals escape until "back up" arrives in an hour. Wilson getting out of his car to pursue brown does not make him guilty of murder. Brown could easily have surrendered. He had been shot once. He knew the cop would use lethal force if necessary. He could have even continued running and he likely wouldn't have been shot. He turned back to fight the police officer again. For that reason, it is browns fault he lost his life.
Why would the people of ferguson be the grand jury. Their emotions were too high. It is the equivalence of letting someone's parents be on the jury of their sons murderer's trial. Emotions are too high to give people with such close links to the case that power. The riots should speak wonders about the levels of irrational thought in ferguson.
Actually, no, Wilson didn't have a broken eye socket. Here's his ER photo after the incident. "Wilson's medical record from the emergency department culminates with the diagnosis of "facial contusion" (a bruise.)" ... ry/383155/ As you say, please actually know exactly what happens before you try to judge. It also helps if you know the law. Legally, a police officer is only allowed to use deadly force in "defense-of-life" when the officer has a "reasonable belief" his life is in danger and each use of force must justified. That means that each and every time he pulls the trigger he must believe his life is in danger. The second there is no threat, such as someone trying to surrender, he must cease fire. The forensic records indicate Brown was shot at least six times from a distance, and the last two fatal shots were fired into the top of Brown's bowed head. The question then was, was there a "reasonable belief" that Wilson's life was in danger when the last two shots were fired? Since Wilson wasn't indicted, we'll never know. The lack of an indictment absolves Wilson from criminal liability, but does not necessarily mean that Wilson was fully justified. There was a lot of concern over the way this case was handled and who handled it. Prosecuting Attorney McCulloch's mother, brother, uncle and cousin worked for the St. Louis police department. His father was also a police officer who was killed in the line of duty when McCulloch was 12. McCulloch also has a history of not prosecuting police officers. There were many demands that he recuse himself from this case. He chose not to, nor was he forced to. Many legal experts and other prosecutors who have followed the case have stated that it was clear from the way McCulloch proceeded that McCulloch had already decided not to indict. He was in affect, not acting as a prosecutor representing Brown, the victim, but as a defense attorney for Wilson. Personally, I don't know if Wilson was justified in killing Brown or not, but I do think the case was mismanaged from the start by the police and DA's office. McCulloch should have been removed. The case should not have gone to a secret Grand Jury behind closed doors. It should have been handled publicly, in front of a judge. I also think that cases that involve police officers shouldn't be handled by the District Attorney's office, given that they work closely with the police and have a built in bias towards police officers. Anyway, this case isn't over. Wilson will most likely be charged in civil court.
Then why did you post it? Everyone knows about it already. You added Nothing to it, you picked something off the news and threw it in here for your entertainment.Nice of you.
I don't have a comment on the case since I don't know all the details. I'm just floored that someone said that racism doesn't exist. Like really?! I don't understand, how anyone could say that. Were they sheltered and never experienced it themselves so they assume it never happens? Whether you choose to not believe or you haven't experienced yourself, it's there. Accept that as a fact. Open yourself up to the world and stop living in your bubble.
I agree with this. I was thinking of a course in elementary or middle school where kids just do labour to do tasks and have to work as a team. For example, "build a snowfort" or "help this guy carry things" or "build as many of this as you can". Also make the education system like in Germany where high school acts as a college for your career and you just learn what you need for that job. The government could look at supply/demand for those jobs and be able to avoid too many students trying to do one thing instead of people finishing school and having nothing to do.
@Dragon, I can give some room for error to the public officials in dealing with this situation. The media blow this event up at the beginning. Mainly because they were getting gassed. IMO. Under those situations. A hostile media, and professional activist. I can see how the pressure may or may not have lead to poor decisions. The people of Ferguson need the help of the police. Even if they are protesting against a specific set of issues they have with the policing. When seen this last night when business was set in fire. Black business. Latino business. White business. Family run, and corporate. They type of people that we need to help and protect were let down. Honest people, and peaceful people who care about their community. We can't change court the grand jury outcome. We can change how we treat each other. How we communicate. And how we proceed. No matter what side you guys take here on this forum. Know this. There are good people who love and want success for their town in need of help. Even if you see them as a opponent, they are willing to work for something better. Positive influence is in demand. I really don't want to debate the death of a dead young man/teenager. People are dying everyday. We need to move forward with eyes and hearts open. Thank you to those who took the time to read this. Have a nice day.
Anytime the media's narrative is way off, like last night, it is a win for this country. A butthurt media is a good thing.