BREAKING NEWS: cop found not guilty

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by GuNnYLepine, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. The USA has been declining in crime over the past decades. Yet, we have 5% of the worlds population, but 25%, of the world's prison population.
    The fact is the government makes a huge proffit off prisoners. They work full jobs for pennies an hour.
    The ghetto is really a breeding ground for future prisoners, it's the way society here works.
  2. spaniard. Here's the grandfathers (yes both of them) worked their asses off in coal mines from literally dusk til dawn. My one grandfather died of black lung in his 40's. My other one was a bit more fortunate. Never had a 'pot to piss in'. But u know what? Neither of them ever EVER sat back and bitched and moaned about it. They worked their asses off so that their children might have a better chance than they did. One of the main purposes of their lives was to lay the foundation for future generations' opportunities.
    They knew their life would be hard but saw a greater purpose than just themselves.

    If they instead chose to be envious of Rockefeller, Carnegie, etc then no doubt the foundation wouldn't have been established.

    Point is. EVERYONE has had it rough at some point. The differences are what you do when confronted with challenges. Basically two choices...(1) be a victim and ***** and moan and perpetuate the cycle of poverty or (2) Work your ass off and lay the foundation for your family's future generations.

    Stop being a victim and finding excuses not to overcome. Suck it up and push on. Stop looking back and start looking forward.
  3. Dear mods,
    Do everyone a favor and just lock this thread. The race war is alive and thriving(unfortunately), but is has no place on a supposed to be fun war game.
  4. Poverty breeds crime is an old belief.. This is not new.. But it's no excuse
  5. The argument that would solve EVERY ******* racist claim.
  6. Did not know this would be this popular
  7. @Joseph- the cycle of poverty is perpetuated by those in power, rich white people.

    Although I do not agree with the kids actions towards the cop, the cop had other means of resolving the situation without shooting a kid in the head.

    I agree with most in America that the militarization of our police force is getting out of hand. Sadly to combat this it requires violence, fighting fire with fire. Every sovereign country shed blood for their independence, it is sometimes what has to be done for people to answer the call.

    Perfect and fitting example was when New Age started stripping and farming the Moderators of this game. The Devs never listened until they did that. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
  8. What other option did the officer have?
  9. Shots fired!!! Ferguson is on fire!!!
  10. It is no excuse. Its just difficult for many young kids growing up in poverty to realise that before they get caught selling weed or something and then their whole record is tarnished.

    Then once they realise the error of their ways, nobody hires them anywhere and many are forced back into crime to be able to live.

    I for one believe that our schools (atleast in poor areas) should put more focus into teaching kids the fundamentals of hard work and help them to set goals. It should also warn kids of how difficult life gets after you get a record and are put into the system.
  11. As a member of a rich family and many houses all over the states , I have seen poor and I have friends who's parents are broke out of there pockets and selling weed to make a living , yet there making there children strive in college and school, and there children want a great future, those who grow up and become losers shouldn't be using as a excuse * I was raised in the hood* screw that , you can change who you are  just like my own family , and now we're doing great
  12. True dat
  13. I mean seriously this is stupid. People are letting emotion take precidence over logic
  14. Nate-first thing's first. You kaw too much. On to your main point (I think). You're wrong. And you prove my point. You've chosen your path of being a whiny little ***** trying to blame everyone else instead of doing something productive.

    Spend your life being a victim and a whiner I guarantee your children will do the same. Hence the 'cycle' is perpetuated by those who choose not to break it. Nobody else.
  15. Still, something is wrong with society when you have to break the law and risk a prison sentence so that you can afford a future for your kids. That is all I am trying to show everyone.
  16. This is for all the people that disagree with me. Does rioting ever solve anything
  18. @josephamen bro that's why I posted my message , excuses are like ass holes and everyone has one
  19. Nate :You can't compare new age stealing fake gold to thugs robbing stores and setting fires.

    Those actions have real life consequences, that cost real people serious amounts of money.

    Before the "oh the shop keepers have insurance so it doesn't matter" counterclaim. The May have insurance, they make most of the money from lost property back, but their rates for the claim will increase. Likely significantly due to the hostile environments. Insurance companies are probably raising everyone's rates. Similar thing happened to my town. People were burning houses down so insurance rates went up in the area.

    So despite people havin insurance to cover the fires set, they still lose money in the long run. As well as income (from their store being shut down). Plus the time and effort to restart from scratch. Rebuilding a store, purchasing new inventory, new registers, new soda machines, new freezers, etc.

    So yeah. Stripping mods is not comparable to looting or burning stores down.

    There are ways to get your point across. Acting like the scum of earth is not one of them.
  20. @spanird I agree bro but I'm just pointing out don't sit and let the ghetto life stop you from being a president in the future, I would do anything for my kids future, sell weed and anything (if I was broke) it's what parents do for there kids , risking there life's for there kids future, **** I'm mexican, people think just cuz I grew in the hood , why I have a great life, because I changed it ! I don't sit on my ass thinking of laying in bed and not doing crap