BREAKING NEWS: cop found not guilty

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by GuNnYLepine, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. Innocent , good
  2. Do you know the number of blacks that only voted for him because of his skin color?
  3. The racists are the people that ignore the facts of the case and blindly want Officer Wilson punished. It's tragic that a young was killed and no one denies that but the only thing officer Wilson is guilty of is being white
  5. You really think minorities in the ghetto have the same opportunities as everyone else?-

    Did you grow up in a world where your mother did drugs infront of you?

    Did you grow up without a father?

    Did you go to school where your classroom had 40 other kids in it?

    Did your normal childhood backround noises include gunshots?

    Did all the adults you looked up to sell rocks to make a living?

    Did you ever have to sell rocks to put food on your table because nobody would hire you for a job?

    Ask yourself these questions, and honestly tell yourself that we all have "equal opportunities" in this country.

    (This has nothing to do with the cop shooting the kid)
  6. Those problems are not unique to non whites.. Whites have those problems too. Many people grow up without a father and overcome.. But if your mother is doing drugs in front of you then who is to blame for that? You can't blame white people because your father left and your mother does drugs. White people are just your excuse to not work hard. Stop making excuses and work harder.. I have to work for everything I have
  7. Im not blaming any race. We are all humans. All im saying is to not be too quick to judge a common thief, when you dont know his background or circumstances.
    People are quick to judge outlaws by calling them lazy, which is not always the case.
  8. My point exactly.
  9. He attacked a police officer.. So because he lives in a bad neighborhood or because his life hasn't been great he is ok to attack police? What about the rights of the officer? Doesn't the officer have a right to protect himself? Should the officer had said, "this is a black teen and I am white so I should just let him take my gun and beat me up or else I will be considered racist."
  11. No, this was just an unfortunate case. Im really focusing my comments to the people who consider a "thug" or "hustler" as something less than human.
    The fact of the matter is, they are just products of their environment and do what they must to survive.
  12. Not American. Don't give a 
  13. Do note, I don't condone his actions on the "moving on the officer" just talking about the store robbery.
  14. Agreed @joseph

    The black kid (What was his name again? Mike Brown?) was at fault and tried to grab the cop's gun.

    If I was in the cop's shoes I would've done the same.

    **** the media and Internet for blowing this out of proportion.
  15. I'm white and a majority of his applies to me. The facts aren't about race. The thing os, police officers today use lethal force whenever they feel like it. Have you seen a police officers belt? It contains a gun, a TAZER, a can of PEPPER SPRAY, and a BATON. You don't see police officers utalizing any of these non lethal options, instead they go straight for the gun. On the opportunity side of this, whole most of this applies to me and I'm white, I worked hard to get a college education. Opportunity is there for those who will work for it.
  16. That's what I was gonna say Larry!
  17. The protesters have a right to assemble peacefully.

    However, any violence following this ruling should expect to be met with extreme force.

    I expect that we will be hearing about this on the news very soon. Such is the way of the world.
  18. Oh, gee willikers, they're already rioting.

    Never mind.
  19. Lots of this **** happens everywhere several of those questions I can relate to, but this has nothing to do with whether the officer was within his rights or not. The cop was in danger. Brown was a known criminal. This isn't racism. This is a man who was in danger trying to stay alive. And now people who claim it was racism are rioting? Causing police to take action BECAUSE OF POLICE BRUTALITY? No. People are being so "nonracist" in saying hmm black guy killed by white guy never brought to trial? Racist. That they are actually racist themselves. Anyway the rioters don't actually care about this they are simply thugs who want an excuse to rob some place and claim it's justified. This is just stupid to discuss.