Filters for ally hire list

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by cthula, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. Tired of going to hire an ally at a set point say 10-20b only to find that the allies listed have the same stats as a player you can hire for 100k-1m

    At least add some filters to the listings

    Maybe make it more like amazon, filters for:

    1. Search by name
    2. Search by build
    3. Search by cost range
    4. Search by stat range (individual stats or CS)
    5. Search by popularity (# of times recently hired)
    6. Search by # of achievements
    7. Search by bonus pack ownership
    8. Search by pvp vs eb (most frequented event of players choice)
    9. Search by account age
    10. Search by recent activity level
    11. Search by current vollies (grab quick cash/help out new players)

    List goes on...

    And ofc give us a red flag logo on those dreaded reset bombs (maybe list as an achievement?)

    If nothing else it will increase interest in buying actives, rather than buying players blindly just to max out plunder/bfa

    And ofc a suggestion on how to monetize my proposition:

    Separate banner system for the ally market costing 26nob for server display. Potentially consider allowing addition of a link to that players allies for convenience of purchase.

    Thanks for your consideration
  2. I have a problem with #5 won't they all be like that since they will be priced the same?
  3. Drop 5 then :) seriously just looking for some filtering to the list even the smallest bit. Grouping everyone based on price range is very ineffective. Maybe I'm the only one that think so but darn if it doesn't seem a hassle. Should be more convenient than anything.
  4. Do your own research. You want the devs to wipe your bum too? Lol!
  5. You apparently have all day to sit around gaming, you have my condolences. On the subject of butt wiping I'll say I get paid $15/hr as a CNA to do so, among other things. Being quite familiar with the topic I'll say its not even remotely equitable to actionable data :) unless we're talking C. Diff that's definitely something to be acted on ;)
  6. Then people who never get bought wont be bought ever. Only certain people
  7. The benefit would primarily be to players that buy them, with respect to getting the best bang for your money.

    Honestly after my first volley I really can't say the $1m pittance from each hire is of any benefit to me it's 1/34th of a single hit on an eb.
    People will always get their first volley, owing to bottom feeders looking to make startup roll assist cash.